Poliomyelitis vaccine is safe, doctors say


According to the author

Poliomyelitis vaccine administered to children under five years is safe, said Kenya Pediatric Association

. the children became ill after receiving the oral vaccination.

According to some parents who went to social media to voice their concerns, their children showed serious side effects after receiving the newly concluded polio vaccine. In a press release, the Kenya Pediatric Association noted that since mbad vaccination was conducted during the cold flu season, reports may be related to influenza infection.

The reports, adds the statement, may therefore be a coincidence of influenza infection at the time of vaccination. "The mbad vaccination campaign may have a growing interaction between children, mobilizers and vaccinators with an increased spread of influenza and an increased incidence of bird flu." The badociation, whose main members are pediatricians (doctors specializing in children and their diseases), added that despite the fact that the country has a national system of continuous surveillance and vaccine safety, recent reports of symptoms of influenza, vomiting and Fever – never reported before in previous campaigns – not part of the expected adverse events of the vaccine.

The Ministry of Health conducted a five-day polio vaccination campaign in Nairobi's high-risk counties , Kajiado, Machakos, Kiambu, Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Isiolo, Meru, Lamu, Kitui and the Tana River The staff of the Institute of Media Research Kenya hold has found samples of the disabling and potentially fatal infectious disease caused by poliovirus in the sewage of the Eastleigh Estate in Nairobi County.

March Jul 10 14:14:47 EAT 2018

Kenya polio campaign begins on July 11

Children under five must be vaccinated in Nairobi, Kajiado, Kiambu, Kitui, Machakos, Meru, Isiolo, Tana River, Lamu, Garissa, Wajir and Mandera.

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