Scientists found 10 new cancer risk genes; All you need to know about genetics and cancer


Using publicly available data, researchers were able to identify 10 new genes predisposed to ovarian and bad cancer, among others. This is a progression that can help improve the diagnosis and prevention of cancer in the future. Cancer can be caused due to many genetic causes. People inherit some of these mutations from their parents. Others are acquired throughout life because of external factors or because of errors in the copy of DNA. As part of the study, published in Nature Communications, the researchers worked on the development of a new statistical method called ALFRED and identified 13 cancer susceptibility candidate genes, 10 of which are new to the cancer data. tumor sequencing. Experts say that they have applied their genome sequence method to more than 10,000 cancer patients with 30 different types of tumors. IANS reports that they then identified known and novel cancer susceptibility genes that have the potential to contribute quite substantially to the risk of cancer. The calculation method is based on an old idea that cancer genes often require "two strokes" before they cause cancer. The scientists worked on the development of a method that allowed them to systematically identify genes from existing genomic datasets.


Scientists have found 10 new genes for cancer risk
Photo credit: iStock

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In one of the new genes at risk, heritable variants NSD1 may be involved in at least three of the 1,000 For the study, the team combined data from many different projects and applied new calculation methods. This helped them identify important cancer genes that have not been identified by original studies.

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cancer takes place in families. But it is not necessary that most cancers are linked to genes inherited from our parents. It's usually the gene changes that start in a single cell cause most cancers – during a person's life. This link between genetic mutations and cancer is quite complex.

Advances in genetics and molecular biology have improved scientists' knowledge of the inner workings of cells. Genetics helps to examine how cells can change during a person's life to become cancer. It also helps to discover how certain types of changes can build on inherited genes, and accelerate the process of cancer development.


Genetics can help identify the likelihood of cancer returning after treatment
Photo credit: iStock

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Specific genetic modifications can be used for the diagnosis of cancer as well as to predict which patients are likely to have better or worse outcomes, which helps to determine the degree of cancer. intensity of cancer treatment. What are the chances that cancer cells will come back after treatment?

There are drugs that have been developed specifically to target certain gene changes in certain cancers.These drugs primarily target the protein through an abnormal genetic mutation and these drugs targeting certain mutations are useful in a number of other cancers, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors, non-small cell lung cancer and melanoma.

Researchers are extremely optimistic about the future of cancer treatment. using specific gene changes found in cancer cells. This is a very active research area. Many clinical trials are underway to make cancer treatment with genetics more effective and useful.

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