Seven Ways to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely: Evewoman


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Diets can be a difficult experience and there is a lot of confusing information out there. But whether you're looking to strengthen yourself, build muscle or just lose weight, it's important to do it safely.

There are countless eye-catching diets, but the supposed science behind many is debatable, and some are even a risk to your health.

Here are the best things to do to lose weight healthily – according to NHS experts:

Drinking More Water and Less Alcohol

Many people think that they are hungry when they are really thirsty. So drinking more water throughout the day can help you stop eating extra calories.

Alcohol also contains many more calories than many people think, including wine and spirits.

Two glbades of wine add about the same calories as a burger – and you would need to run for half an hour to burn it.

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Eating High-Fiber Foods

Try to eat more foods high in fiber because they help you stay full.

You can find fiber in fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread, pasta, brown rice, beans, peas, lentils and oats.

Do Not Ban Foods

Some diets advise to ban some foods altogether, but experts warn against this.

The NHS Choices website says, "Do not ban foods from your weight loss plan, especially the ones you love. Prohibiting food will only make you more inclined. "There's no reason you can not enjoy the occasional treat as long as you stay in your daily calorie intake."

Add more fruits and vegetables to your day

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This seems obvious, but it is essential to both reduce calories and stay healthy. Fruits and vegetables are not only low in calories and fat, but also high in fiber – both are essential for weight loss.

You could try adding a chopped banana or a handful of berries to your cereal or yogurt, grilling or frying mushrooms or tomatoes with your eggs or having a 100% unsweetened fruit smoothie. For lunch, you can add cabbage, tomato or cucumber to your sandwiches, and have cucumber, pepper or carrot sticks with a dip or fruit for a snack. For tea, you can try adding salad, peas, carrots, broccoli or corn on the cob to your plate.

Eat Regularly and Stop Nibbling

Health leaders say eating at regular hours actually helps you burn calories at a faster pace. It also makes you less likely to nibble, and squeak at the call of a chocolate bar.

You can also try to plan your meals for the week or have a weekly shopping list, so that you do not end up tempted or forced to buy unhealthy snacks or meals.

Finding a Simple Way to Do More Exercise

Being active is the key to losing weight and not restarting it, burning calories that you can not cut through your diet alone.

Tips include the time of the week and keeping it there, swimming or playing in the park with your child, running and walking, or riding a bicycle to go to work.

Here you'll find tips for starting bike riding, 10 minute workout sessions, a 5k race plan here and a five week exercise program here.

Learning to Read Food Labels

Most products now have labels indicating the number of calories, fat and other ingredients that they contain.

Reducing high-calorie products and other unhealthy products can really help – and the NHS has a useful guide to understanding what food labels actually mean.

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