Taxi driver slaps client for low salary charged by application – Punch Newspapers


A Kenyan taxi driver allegedly attacked a client, Lucy Wankio Nyainda, after paying the amount charged by her driving application, which was less than what he wanted.

Nyainda had taken a taxi to a university community in Nairobi. his apartment Kiambu Road. As she was waiting to pay, the driver suddenly became angry when the price generated by his application did not meet his expectations, reports . whose platform he drives uses an app that rates a customer's fare after taking into account the distance traveled, the time spent on the trip and if there was a traffic jam.

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The driver then stated that the car ride cost Lucy Ksh 193 ($ 1.92), which was Was not ready to accept. "The price was KSh 193 but he refused to take my money." I added KSh 100 but he was still not happy.

Completely enraged, the driver hit Lucy and tried to leave While she was still in the car. </ p> <p> Seeing that he was not going to fight a way, the anonymous driver threatened to hurt the lady saying that he already knew where she was living

Lucy filed a complaint with the company but has not yet received an answer

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