Team Kenya will assert its authority in the event Asaba – Mediamax Network Limited


Nairobi, Sunday

The Kenyan athletics team will not underestimate its rivals as they seek to dominate the African Championships, which start in Asaba, Nigeria , Wednesday.

Kenya, who nominated 67- The team members completed their training in Nairobi on Saturday and head coach Stephen Mwaniki believes the team is in top shape to excel at continental championships, which take place every two years.

"Preparations are complete Departure Monday (today) for Nigeria. However, I warned athletes not to despise any team and to be on the lookout for not allowing complacency to be introduced, "said Mwaniki.

" Each country will win and we have to make sure that our best runners post a fast time and claim the gold medals, "he added.

Mwaniki singled out Uganda as one of the emerging nations, who will want to eat in Kenya's long and medium distance domination.

He warned that even though Ugandan star Joshua Cheptegei will compete in the African championships, Kenyan riders must remain focused. "Uganda has a strong team beyond Cheptegei. They live and train with us and if they do not pay attention, they will overtake us in crucial races, "warned Mwaniki.

Cheptegei, two-time Commonwealth Games gold medalist , was eliminated after aggravating a knee injury by attempting a double in Australia last April.

In his absence, the country will have the best runners Stella Chesang (Commonwealth champion) and Mercyline Chelangat in the 10,000m and Peruh Chemutai steeplechaser as best chances for a medal while Jacob Kiplimo and Stephen Kissa will try to fill the gap on the men's side .. Uganda has appointed a 20-member team for the championships from August 1 to 5. [19659008] -XINHUA

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