Teen Vogue cover: First model wearing a hijab


The Halima Aden model is the July edition of Teen Vogue which is taken by Scanderbergs.

Model: Halima Aden; Photo badistants: Ian Hoogenboom and John Temones; Documentary director: Mikey Kay; Writer: Muna Mire; Stylist: Marcela Jacobina; Fashion Assistant: Alexa Eschert; Stylist: Marcela Jacobina; Stylist Assistant: Aviya Seligman; Makeup: Courtney Perkins using Dior

Child, Halima Aden loved eating mud.

This is the first line that started the cover story of Teen Vogue.

Teen Vogue presents Halima Aden, the first Muslim model wearing a hijab in her digital cover of July.

Scandebergs (@scandebergs)

The Showcase of the Title "I Am America" ​​Halima returns to Kenya to the first time, after 13 years of migration to the United States

For those who do not know the story of Halima, the 1992 Somali civil war caused the displacement of his family from Kenya to the United States in 2004 she was then only 7 years old.

WATCHING: The documentary of Teen Vogue, Homima [retour] by Halima

She is now 20 years old and has become a successful model. Ambbadador, Miss Minnesota beauty contest veteran and she still wears the Hijab, that is her requirement.

The story of Halima gives a little light to the dark times of Donald Trump's immigration policy in the United States.

Halima states in this digital edition: "This country has given me so much life lesson terms and incredible hardships and opportunities.You take good with the bad.This m & # I grew up so I never saw magazine articles portraying Muslim women in a positive light. "

As part of the cover, Teen Vogue joined Halima while she was returning with UNICEF USA to Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya where she grew up for an exclusive Teen Vogue documentary, Halima's Homecoming. Filmmaker Mikey Kay followed Halima's journey, capturing her impressions as she returned to Kakuma for the first time to meet young people and give a first-ever TEDx Talk Talk in a refugee camp.

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