TEFB "The Brazen Edition" celebrates heroines


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Too Early For Birds (TEFB) bases all his acts on people of the history of Kenya who greatly contributed to the formation of our country. be. This month, the TEFB team stages an all-female "Brazen Edition". This will be the fifth edition that has been researched, written, performed and produced by women at the National Theater of Kenya (KNT).

History was written, and has been rewritten over the years, most of the time with total disregard for the vast contributions made by women. These women are erased. These women are diminished. From this observation, the third independent TEFB volume in July will be an in-depth celebration and tribute to women in history in order to unmask them.

Aleya Kbadam, Anne Moraa, and Laura Ekumbo are three brazen women who, in The Fear of the Women Who Have preceded them, will walk the bosses through the portals of bygone eras to reveal valiant efforts, successes and failures by and women.

According to Kbadam, when she went to see one of the TEFB shows, she wondered where the women were. She says that she asked for a search, considering herself a woman in our history, and trying to see the world, and the place that women were playing before her.

"We want to unmask the women whose victories have been hidden from us, we want everyone to see them in all their complexity and all their humanity." We want us, and every woman who comes after us, to know beautiful shoulders that hold us back, being able to breathe in their fury when we need them, wrap their skin around us to have courage and invoke their fire to burn through us. "[19659008] The crew will disclose heroin stories in the history of Kenya. absolute power and daring of our ancestors. All actors and women will tell stories as women tell stories.

"We want to put in memory the stories of women on whose backs the history of our nation is formed."

The stories presented in this edition will include that of Zarina Patel, Mekatilili, Chelagat Mutai, Wangu wa Makeri, Marshal Muthoni, the abduction of Lwanda Magere – the history of women [19659004] "We want to evaluate the work of the donkeys that the women did that allowed all the rest, not to follow the usual narrative of" behind every great man … "but to recognize the work involved, giving fair royalties to this great woman, shouting the opportunities that are denied her by this expectation; kindle a fire for every woman who believes that it's the only thing she should do. "

This edition will also be put into scene at KNT from 27 to 29 July.

The cast will include some of the best Kenyan leaders including female power, Sitawa Namwalia, Suki Wanza, Nyokabi Macharia and Mercy Mutisya. It will be directed by Wanjiku Mwawuganga

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