The campaign to eradicate polio in Kenya begins on July 11


Children under five must be vaccinated in 12 counties.


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The Ministry of Health, with the support of UNICEF and WHO, will immunize all children from five years or less against polio in 12 selected counties.

The five-day campaign begins on July 11 and ends on July 15.

This is an emergency campaign against polio conducted by the Ministry and its partners after the discovery of the virus in the country

counties targeted for the campaign of vaccination

In order to stem the risk of spreading polio virus across the country, the Ministry is vaccinating children in 12 counties identified as high risk.

Kajiado, Kiambu, Kitui, Machakos, Meru, Isiolo, Tana, Lamu, Garissa, Wajir and Mandera.

During the campaign, health workers will move from house to house in these counties to vaccinate all children under the age of five.

Family Appeal Lies, Communities

The Ministry of Health appealed to all members of the public to make the campaign a resounding success.

Calling address to families with children five years old and younger Neighbors should spread this message and report children who have not been vaccinated.

Each parent or guardian is encouraged to ensure that their child is vaccinated in each campaign.

They should also make sure that children are well vaccinated. receive all programmed childhood vaccines in a health facility

No vaccines against polio, but immunization

Immunization with safe and effective vaccines provides children complete protection against polio.

Medical supplies and products – including vaccines used in the country – must be subject to stringent quality control procedures by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (National Laboratory for Quality Control). 19659005] Several doses of the vaccine provide additional protection and enhance the immunity of children without any danger.

Why immunize against poliomyelitis

Polio is a deadly disease. It can paralyze and even cause death.

The Ministry of Health confirmed the existence of the polio virus in the country.

In addition, routine polio risk badysis revealed that several countries are at high risk of transmission.

The poliomyelitis eradication strategy is based on the prevention of infection by vaccinating each child until the transmission of the virus stops and the world becomes polio-positive.

Why immunize children who were immunized s before?

All children should receive polio vaccine whenever there is a campaign, no matter if the child has already received the vaccine.

Additional doses administered during vaccination campaigns provide valuable supplementary immunity against poliomyelitis.

Poliomyelitis vaccine is safe when given multiple times

. ater or food that has been contaminated with infected stool. Poliomyelitis spreads easily in communities

Infected individuals spread the poliovirus into the environment for several weeks, where they can spread rapidly in a community, especially in areas where hygiene and hygiene are important. Sanitation are insufficient

. are a source of easy transmission, regardless of their environment.

However, every child risks being infected.

For this reason, all children under five must be vaccinated.


Most people infected with poliovirus have no signs of illness and are never aware that they have been infected.

These asymptomatic people carry the virus in their intestines and can "silently" infection to thousands of others before the onset of the first case of polio paralysis.

Most (90%) infected individuals have no symptoms or very mild symptoms and are generally not recognized.

In others, nital symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, stiffness in the neck and pain in the limbs

Why maintain environmental monitoring against polio

residential areas to test the presence of the polio virus.

Environmental monitoring is very important in the early detection of new poliovirus.

It helps the Ministry of Health identify areas where virus-infected individuals excrete it in their stools and in sewage but show no signs of paralysis and may transmit the infection to other people.

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