The HIV vaccine is promising in a human trial


An HIV vaccine that has the potential to protect people around the world against the virus has yielded promising results.

The treatment, which aims to immunize against various strains of the virus, produced an anti-HIV immune response in tests on 393 people, a study in the Lancet found

It also protected some monkeys against a virus which is similar to HIV.

More tests are now needed to determine if the immune response produced can prevent HIV infection.

Approximately 37 million people worldwide are living with HIV or AIDS, and an estimated 1.8 million new cases each year.

But Despite Advances in HIV Treatment, An HIV Vaccine and Vaccine

Drug Preparation, or Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is Effective in Preventing HIV Infection, But, Contrary to to a vaccine, it must be taken regularly, even daily, to prevent the virus from installing [19659002] Inventing a vaccine has proven to be a huge challenge for scientists, in part because there is so much virus, but also because HIV is able to mutate to escape the attacks of our immune system.

Previous attempts at HIV vaccines were limited to specific strains of the virus. the virus found in some parts of the world.

But for this "mosaic" vaccine, scientists have developed a treatment consisting of different HIV viruses

The hope is that it could offer much better protection against the virus. almost unlimited number of HIV strains found around the world.

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