The new malaria treatment paves the way for eradication


T Afenoquine, developed by the British pharmaceutical company GSK and Medicines for Malaria Venture, is a single-dose treatment.

Dr. Pauline Williams, head of global health research and development at GSK, said a "key benefit" of the drug.

"With every drug that requires prolonged treatment – wherever you live in the world – compliance is known to be bad, and once the symptoms go away, people tend not to take the course. only treatment, patients are protected against relapse, "she said.

P. vivax is not as deadly as P. falciparum but is still a horrible disease, said Dr. Williams.

"As medical students, we have always been taught that P. vivax was the benign form of malaria. But the disease is miserable and is characterized by multiple relapses – each of these relapses can lead to serious complications, including organ failure and death, "she said.

Scientists hope that the new drug will be an important malaria tool, alongside existing methods such as indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal nets

In a study of 522 Patients with P. vivax malaria, 60% had no relapse six months after taking the drug. .clientlibs.js.twitter_js = {
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