The wedding car of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is on display in the UK, so get your tickets now


Plan a trip through the pond, hoping to catch sight of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle soon? Well, the chances of falling on the newly married Royal Family during your London getaways are slim, but you might be able to get close to Prince Harry's Royal Wedding Car and Meghan Markle – as the convertible is now on display at Buckingham Palace. And book your tickets well in advance is strongly suggested.

According to People the car that brought Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after their magnificent wedding TV is on display in the makeshift garage of Queen Elizabeth's residence, also known as Royal Mews. It is reported that the Ascot Landau is one of five wagons purchased under the reign of Queen Victoria, and now badociated with the infamous royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the vehicle certainly has its fair share of historical significance. With cars, the Royal Mews also houses other cars used by the royal family to attend the most chic of occasions, and official state cars.

The Ascot Landau car used during the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle last May added the perfect touch to an already perfect fairytale event. And so, the horse-drawn vehicle is sure to bring even more fans of the royal family to Buckingham Palace.

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Watching Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tie the knot was on its own one of the most anticipated moments of spring. Not only are royal weddings still a big deal for many people who look around the world, but the introduction of the first African American princess into the royal family has made the event historic. VIP guests, such as Meghan Markle's best friend, Priyanka Chopra, media mogul Oprah Winfrey, and stylish couples David and Victoria Beckham, and George and Amal Clooney, were invited to participate in the festitivies. And every detail – as if Queen Elizabeth approved of Meghan Markle's dress, or even her makeup – was the talk of the city.

Anyone who watched from home can attest to the fact that the mbadive buildup surrounding the royal wedding was not in vain, as the event was certainly spectacular. Everyone was emotional – from spectators to even Meghan Markle herself (who can forget her adorable "oh my god" moment at the alter?). And watching the new Duke and Duchess of Susbad take the storming world will continue to dominate the Internet for years to come.

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Visit Buckingham Palace will take a little more planning than you might think, though. According to Visit London the historic site is only open during the summer, and for 2018, dates go from Saturday, July 21st to Saturday, September 30th. This summer, visitors can watch We are looking forward to seeing State Rooms, one of the portriats, sculptures, china, and "some of the best English and French furniture in the world" – as stated by the site. In addition, the palace will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Charles, Prince of Wales, with a selection of fairly cool works of art.

Due to its seasonal openings, you can bet that trying to get into the palace is going to be quite difficult. Thus, Visit London suggests that those who want to buy tickets for the Buckingham Palace do so in advance. The price of tickets varies from 13 euros for a child to 23 euros for an adult, and can be bought on the London Pbad.

Go ahead and add "Visit Buckingham Palace" to your list of summer activities, as it's an absolutely must-see adventure that you would not want to miss.

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