There is another huge royal wedding, and it could look a lot like Harry and Meghan


Dusting the bunts and unearthing the Union Jacks: another royal wedding is just around the corner, and it will have some remarkable similarities with the Prince Harry ] and Great Day of by Meghan Markle

Princess Eugenie, the youngest daughter of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson and ninth in the lineage of throne, will marry his longtime boyfriend, Jack Brooksbank, at St. George's Chapel on Friday, October 12, and Buckingham Palace has released new details on the big day. Just like Harry and Meghan, the newlyweds will walk the streets of Windsor after the ceremony, and there will also be a wedding reception organized by the Queen at Windsor Castle. It is said that Andrew, the Duke of York, is particularly desirous that the wedding have all the pomp and the pomp that the public is entitled to expect from such a celebration , so expect carriages, military uniforms and trumpets galore

Although there will probably not be the number of sympathizers who came forward for Harry's big day and Meghan, Eugenie and Jack should attract a lot of people when they get married in Windsor, especially because of the expected distinguished guests. Invitations are about to come out, and David and Victoria Beckham, who attended both William and Harry's weddings, will soon be receiving an invitation official. They will join a host of other famous names, including Robbie Williams and his wife, Ayda Field; their daughter, Theodora Rose, is going to be a girl alongside Princess Charlotte and Maud Windsor, the daughter of Lord Freddie Windsor and Sophie Winkleman The couple also asked the first cousin of Eugenie Prince George to be a boy of page.

Other well-known names will include members of the Branson family (the couple is a regular of Sir Richard's The Necker Island, which could be a destination of perfect honeymoon) as well as the ex-girlfriend of Prince Harry Cressida Bonas, who is one of Eugenia's best friends. While Harry and Meghan have invited very few members of the European royal family, the wedding of Eugenie and Jack will be more in keeping with a traditional royal wedding and include a good dose of foreign royalty. "The list of guests is drawn up and Eugenie and Jack send invitations," says a friend of the couple. "They are busy planning the wedding and Andrew and Sarah are also very involved.They have lots of international friends that they invite.The church will be packed."

Yesterday, the palace announced that the couple invited 1,200 members of the public to join them for their special day (if you are interested, go to to request a place in the castle park). Affiliates of their charities, local schoolchildren and residents of Windsor Castle as well as the staff of the house will also be invited. Discussions are underway to find out if the service will be broadcast on television, but there will be speakers outside the church so that viewers can hear the ceremony.

Like Harry and Meghan, the couple top State Landau after their wedding and continue through the grounds of Windsor Castle, depart by Castle Hill and continue along the High Street before returning to the castle via Cambridge Gate.

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