Three deaths in the Rift Valley, Crimean fevers strike west of Uganda





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A fever outbreak of the Ibanda Valley, Kiruhura and Isingiro

Three people reportedly succumbed to the epidemic at the # 39, regional reference hospital of Mbarara

. Rose Muhindo, a doctor at the Mbarara Regional Hospital, told reporters Friday night that at least 5 people had been taken to the referral hospital, with symptoms like headaches , chest pain, diarrhea and fever

. They were subjected to other investigations and tests to make sure that we were not dealing with anything unusual. After the tests, we confirmed that they actually had Rift Valley fever, "she said.

Dr. Muhindo says however that the first admitted patient of Isingiro died at the finish before the tests

. He came from Nakivale refugee camp in Isingiro while others came from Ibanda and Kiruhura.

The doctor advised residents of the area not to eat dead or sick animals and undercooked meat to avoid Rift Valley fever. Dr. Muhindo, however, stated that the results for the patient who had the symptoms of Crimean Congo fever had still returned from the laboratory to Entebbe

. Barigye Celestine, the hospital director of the Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, asked veterinarians to educate the public

Barigye revealed that the hospital had the ability to treat patients with haemorrhagic fever and who had already isolated them


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