Tour de France 2018: British cyclist Chris Froome calls on the race "Prohibition & # 39;


Chris Froome's hopes of participating in this year's Tour de France are uncertain after he was ruled out of the race by Amaury Sport Organization (ASO), the organizer of the tour.

Although the Kenyan-born British runner appealed the decision, The Guardian claims that "the mood in France is getting tougher against Team Sky".

Froome supporters, and British cycling enthusiasts in general, might claim that it is a desperate attempt by the French to prevent the quadruple winner from adding another title to his collection, but this neglects the trauma still felt in France by the Lance Armstrong affair.

As the Guardian notes, the organizers of the Tour de France now recognize that they have been "ridiculed" by the American and they do not want to repeat themselves. It is also a matter of knowing which image they want to project, and allowing a rider with doping charges not to be well with the Tour's commercial partners.

Since twice the authorized level of the drug against asthma Salbutamol was found in his system last year, Froome has denied any wrongdoing and, vigorously supported by Team Sky, he remains confident that his name will be cleared by a medical investigation. Yet, more than nine months later, the process is underway, and Froome has continued to run.

In January, the UCI President, the Frenchman David Lappartient, called Team Sky to suspend Froome. Christian Prudhomme, the director of the Tour, expressed his concern about the situation of Froome

"We need an answer, for all the organizers of the race, so that". there is no rider who will say later should not have been at the start, "Prudhomme said. "It's crazy, completely grotesque."

Yet Team Sky, says the Guardian, is dismissive of fury, despite "the damning findings of the select DCMS committee report" that portrays them in a dubious light. Nevertheless, there is a good chance that Froome wins his call and is allowed to compete when the race starts Saturday in the Vendée.

How it will be received by the French is another matter. The Guardian claims that "in France, there is little point in listening to Froome's point of view," and one of the rival team leaders, Marc Madiot of Groupama -FDJ, praised ASO for its position

to pay tribute to what ASO does, "he said. "It would be better for him not to be there for the general tranquility of the Tour."

Neither ASO nor Team Sky commented on the situation but Michelle, Froome's wife, also his agent, said this weekend. that "Chris will do the trick".

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