Trump Administration Plans to Take Money From HIV Care to Pay Detention of Immigrant Children


While the administration plans to double the number of immigrant children detained at the end of 2018, the money must come from somewhere. Today, health care related to HIV / AIDS is about to be eliminated.

For more information: Child Detention Centers, Conversion Therapy, Department of Health and Social Services, Family Separation, Mike Pence, Refugee Relocation Office, Ryan White, Ryan White Administration [19659003] mcallen-detention-center-10.nocrop.w1280.h2147483647 “title =” mcallen-centre de détention-10.nocrop.w1280.h2147483647 “/>

Trump Refugee Resettlement Office Provides Significant Increase in Family Separation – and Seeks Financing with Funding Initially Planned for Health Care related to HIV / AIDS. Earlier this week, Slate got internal government documents outlining a planned ORR scenario, in which thousands of additional immigrant children projected budget shortfall could reach nearly $ 2 billion dollars. here the end of the year – and according to Slate, one of the ways they will try to fill this gh "reallocating Ryan Wh program money ite HIV / AIDS. "

The program was named for a young man who contracted AIDS in the mid-1980s through a tainted blood transfusion. White, who was suffering from hemophilia and therefore needed regular blood transfusions as part of his care, was 13 years old at the time. When public school officials where he lived learned his condition, he was prevented from going back to school despite the doctors' promises that he posed no risk to other children. White died in 1990, and the Ryan White HIV / AIDS program was established this year by Congress as part of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE), which funds programs to help low-income patients and seniors. uninsured.

The Ryan White Program on HIV / AIDS, which, more than a quarter of a century after its inception, remains the largest federally funded program for people living with HIV / AIDS, is now undergoing a significant decrease in funding. And it's not as if the need for such a program had diminished – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found in a 2007 study that HIV / AIDS was at epidemic levels in the developing world. areas of urban poverty in the United States. Avert, an international HIV / AIDS organization, also said, "President Trump's ongoing proposals to significantly reduce America's HIV expenditures pose a significant threat to the progress made in the fight against HIV / AIDS." 39, nationally and internationally "

. . Photo courtesy of the Ryan White Fund

Notably, our current Vice President, Mike Pence, once stated that he specifically opposed the Ryan White program on HIV / AIDS and received federal funding. . During his 2000 campaign for the United States House of Representatives, his website announced a Ryan White CARE Act audit to ensure that federal funds are no longer granted to organizations that celebrate and encourage types behaviors that facilitate the HIV virus. He asked that funds be directed to "institutions that help those seeking to change their badual behavior.

That's right – Mike Pence wanted Ryan White's money to be used for conversion. Now, 18 years later, he is vice-president, and funding for the Ryan White program on HIV / AIDS is at the forefront. Worse yet, the ORR plans to use this funding to increase detention centers for immigrant children separated from their families.

Of course, there was the Trump decree, signed on June 20, supposed to end family separations at the border. However, according to Slate, this is not how ORR interprets the order. Instead, they interpret it as meaning only a 20-day break on family separations, after which any family still in detention after attempting an illegal pbadage (which is incidentally a misdemeanor – at least for the moment) would be separated as before.

The ORR provides that, at the end of the initial 20-day break on family separations set up by the decree, separations will resume not only but that immigrant children needing housing at the Ministry of Health and Social Services detention centers would increase to 325 per day. Currently, approximately 12,000 children are accommodated in these centers, about 25% of whom have been separated from their families at the border (the rest arrived unaccompanied). The SLR documents obtained by Slate predict that this number will double by the end of 2018 – hence the projected budget deficit.

And so it is that funds that previously provided health care to HIV / AIDS patients will be spent … doubling the number of immigrant children detained indefinitely in various locations in the United States . Just another day of your taxes at work in Trump America.

Photo above: Center for Border Protection

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