Veteran actress Hilda Dokubo celebrates a pilot she met on her flight ▷ NAIJA.NG


Earlier, shared details on how a Twitter user celebrated two female pilots who transported pbadengers from Lagos to Abuja safely . Indeed, Nigerian women upset the glbad ceilings that invade the big industries.

Recently, an acclaimed actress, Hilda Dokubo, joined the band that celebrates the successes of other women and shared a photo of the pilot that she had the opportunity to fly.

She revealed that she was a feminist and that she appreciated more women who used their lives to change the stereotypical African ideology that women belong to the kitchen and to the bedroom .

Hilda was especially proud because the aviation industry is generally dominated by men. Africa and until recently, the narrative is changing as more and more women reach the sky and realize all they can

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Recently, a Nigerian airline celebrated its first all-female flight crew. the photos were circulated around the internet with a lot of people happy with the accomplishment.

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