Ving Rhames held at gunpoint at home by police responding to reported burglary


"Mission: Impossible" star Ving Rhames said he was still held at gunpoint by police at his home in Santa Monica, California, after a neighbor reported by a "wide black man."

Mr. Rhames, best known for his role as Luther Stickell in the "Mission: Impossible" movie franchise, recalled the alleged incident in a discussion about racism on SiriusXM's "The Clay Cane Show" on Friday.

He said he was in his home watching ESPN in just his basketball shorts when he heard a knock on the front door.

"I get up, I open the door and there's a dot dot pointed at my face from a 9MM, and they say, 'Put up your [Literally"MrRhamessaid

He claimed that the police captain would eventually be recognized for their high school sports. He said: "He said to me …" A woman called 911, said a large black man was breaking into the house. So they came, "Mr. Rhames said.

When the actor and the officers went to confront the woman, she denied the call, Mr. Rhames said.

" What if it was my son and he had a video game remote or something, and you thought it was a gun? "he wondered. "Just like, I do not know, Trayvon [Martin] had a bag of Skittles."

While Mr. Rhames recalled the incident as happening this year, Saul Rodriguez, the Santa Monica Police Department lieutenant, told People magazine that "

" We've had a call from several years ago that they thought they were looking at us in the home and we responded within minutes, "Lt. Rodriguez said on Saturday. "Mr. Rhames, we've gotten to know what happened."

Asked why the guns were pointed at Mr. Rhames, the lieutenant said, "burglaries can sometimes be violent" and that responding officers need to remain vigilant

Lt. Rodriguez said a similar incident occurred in the same neighborhood. Police later implemented their "Meet Your Neighbors" program, which encouraged them to "step outside their comfort zone and get to know the people on their block," People reported.

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