Why Eid Ul-Adha is considered the most sacred Islamic festival – Nairobi News


Eid Ul-Adha, which translates as the Festival of Sacrifice, is celebrated every year by billions of Muslims around the world.

One of the most important holidays of the Islamic calendar, Eid Ul-Adha marks the apogee of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

Eid Ul-Adha is the second of two Islamic festivals celebrated each year around the world – the other being Eid Ul-Fitr – and is considered the holiest of the two.

It is based on the story in the Qur'an of God appearing to Ibrahim – also known as Abraham – in a dream and commanding him to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience.

Muslims believe that Ibrahim being about to sacrifice his son, God stopped his hand and gave him a ram in place of his son.

A biblical version of the story is also told in the book of the Genesis of the Old Testament.

To mark the occasion, the Muslims mbadacre their best domestic animal, a symbol of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his only son.

The animal is divided into three parts – one part is given to the poor and the needy, another is guarded by the family and the third is given to the parents.


Muslims start the day with morning prayers in a congregation. Women's participation in the congregation of prayer varies from community to community.

Prayers consist of two rakats (units) to seven takbirs first Raka & # 39; ah and five takbirs in the second Raka & # 39; ah.

the Salat (prayer) is then followed by Khutbah, or sermon, by the Imam.

At the end of the prayers and the sermon, the Muslims embrace and exchange greetings (Eid Mubarak), make presents and visit each other.

Muslims wear their new or better clothes. Women prepare special meals and all the family and friends gather and eat together.

The four-day religious festival begins on the third day of the annual Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca that all physically and financially capable Muslims must undertake once in their lifetime.

Although Eid Ul-Adha is always the same day of the Islamic calendar, the date of the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year, as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar.

The lunar calendar is about eleven days shorter than the solar calendar.

The festival calendar therefore depends on the observation of the new moon. Some countries around the world sometimes celebrate it on different days, although most follow Saudi Arabia because it hosts the Hajj.

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