Why my father rejected me from birth – Chika Ike


The Nollywood actress, Chika Ike, revealed how she had been rejected by her father from birth because he wanted to have a child.

The actress, who recently published a book, revealed what motivated her to write the book. ] In a post on Instagram, she said: "I was rejected by my father's birth because he did not want a girl, so this (this section) talks about me, about my difficulties growing and rejection that I have suffered from my family.The book also talks about the business world because people think that I like money. "

" Well They may be right because I grew up with nothing and do not want to be a failure and I always push myself to succeed.I want to challenge myself to be someone that I could not never be.

"In the business world (section), I'm talking about how to succeed in a business." I went to Harvard Business School. "Harvard Business School was a launching pad for me because I I found myself in a room with professionals – great people who run global businesses – sitting among the business magnates. I talked about tips and how to run a successful business.

Chika Ike also stressed the importance of society in human existence. To run a successful business empire, she goes beyond the huge money, she says.

"When I was at Harvard Business School, the first two weeks were devoted to personal case studies and personal development. I was given a coach and I was as if I had not come here to talk about my family and my life. But the school authority realizes that before you succeed in your business, you must first face the house.

I have talked so much about my life, my family and how I was rejected by my father who was a good husband. to all his children. But I did not have good relationships with him growing up.

& # 39; & # 39; I learned early that you have to fight for yourself because in the end, it's you alone. I talked about my father, my mother and my brothers and sisters. "

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