WIFE SPEAK: Do not worry about the black beasts, you'll overcome them


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I have a terrible reaction to the sheep. If the swelling and itching of the skin is not bad enough, the general feeling of being sick is such a silly thing. Even more, if I'm at a party and just when things get soft, I have to leave.

There was this girl, in elementary school, who would have such a strange reaction to the sight of ants. Her body would develop goosebumps, and then she would have shortness of breath.

We were naughty with her, as kids can be, and we strive to find ants, and then drag and cheat them looking at them. We sat then and watched, amused by his reaction and his suffering.

This incident came to my mind the other day by reading a story of a marriage counselor about pets in relationships that resemble allergies. These really annoying little habits that our wives have under our skins can cause endless conflict and result in the breakdown of the relationship.

I thought that snoring would make me pack my bags and leave. What a shock it was these first months of marriage when we were fighting in the middle of the night because he snored and kept me awake. And I would have dark circles around my eyes the next day and I would start to doze in the middle of the day

Colleagues joked that my honeymoon had taken over me. If only they knew it!

But since the day the babies landed, no more snoring disturbs my sleep. I am just grateful to have three hours of uninterrupted sleep. My head hits the pillow and I blacken. Only the cry of a child makes me leave Slumberland. I am not even angry when my husband says that I followed him and now I snore …

We have some of the dark beasts who, to this day, are testing the patience of the other. I can be crazy. All right, I'm completely crazy. I think better and find order in my disorganized shelves. And I completely hit the roof when he or someone else organizes my stuff. Thank you very much, but I know in what pile my birth certificate is stuffed.

He panics if we fill a large or urgent request that requires documents that we rarely use, such as certificates of completion of high school, because it is suspicious that I could have in arrange with piles of paper.

You see, he's annoying. He keeps everything clbadified and correctly marked. The shirts in his closet are arranged in the order of the frequency with which he puts them – from the most used at least, or something like that.

I stopped managing his side of the closet because I would get angry with reminders like: T-shirts should be there and formal shirts should face this path. "

I tell him that the reason I'm not so orderly is because I notice dust every five minutes.It's in every corner and the scammers that we n & # 39; He has not touched for days He does not notice the dust

One of my friends, who only has sons, says that she stuck reminders in every bathroom of the house. "Aim the bowl, wipe the toilet and bursts after pee"

"No one even reads the reviews.They chose Dad's habit.I pity their wives," she says.

"I'm tired of screaming; & # 39; Flash also works to pee! & # 39; "

I feel all his frustration

If I survived facial hair all over the sink every few days after shaving, then I would survive much worse.These facial hairs are like my friends now We are discussing life as I rub the sink and drain it into the sink of the bathroom.

There is a lot of learning to do when We are confronted with pet peeves, for example, I am rather good at fighting in bed.It turns around with the bedding, the breath of the cold wakes me up suddenly, I automatically grab the corners of the sheets and throw them to my bed. sides, all without losing a wink.We do this about five times in the night and behold, the morning comes.

S & he survived my African timing and his incredible calmness, then he will survive much worse in this marriage.He taught him, I hope, the art of apologizing for his ret

"I'm so sorry, we stopped …" he says when we arrive at an event with 30 minutes late. Most of the time, half of the people have not arrived and usually we are not talking because it's been jostling me all the time about timing

"Chill out man, we're not talking about it. We are at the hour, maybe not in time. "

" It's just a bad habit not to keep time, "retorts he usually.

"Life is not so serious, better late than never," I say, who gets his goat completely

The pet peeves are the inevitable side effects of any relationship, what is yours

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