Keto and intermittent fasting allowed this man to lose more than 100 pounds


• Unhealthy diet and inactivity have boosted Antonio Gutierrez's weight to more than 300 pounds.
• He associated the keto with intermittent fasting to take control of his diet.
• He also added bodybuilding and cardio to fuel a weight loss transformation of over 100 pounds.

Antonio Gutierrez still remembers the day he came back from the amusement park in tears. He was about to climb the roller coaster, but when he went to sit down, the safety harness did not close. "I had to get up and get out of the merry-go-round because I was too big," he said.This episode was the first of a series of turning points that convinced Gutierrez that it was time to be in good health. " Another serious incident took place at the airport, "he continues." I got on my plane and the belt did not want to close completely. I had to suck as much as possible my stomach for the plane to take off. I delayed the flight because I could not buckle my seatbelt. "

Gutierrez, now 28, who works as a store manager for a supermarket in Gardena, California, says he weighed nearly 355 pounds at its heaviest point. He was 27 years old and was suffering from both depression and suicidal thoughts. "I did not want to leave my house or talk to anyone, not even my wife or my son, I wanted to stay away from everyone and I hated taking pictures," he says. For Gutierrez, the seriousness of his situation really sank into an afternoon while he was playing with his four-year-old son. They were continuing in the house when Gutierrez, out of breath, had to stop. "Then I realized that I had to make a change," he says.

Until then, Gutierrez said that his diet was the main cause of his weight gain: he ate more than 8,500 calories a day, he said, the essential from food sweet and non-alcoholic drinks. "I would drink a two-liter container of soda for dinner alone, I would go home and watch TV with a big bag of potato chips and a plate," he says. "I can not explain how horrible I felt, just thinking about it scares me now."

Gutierrez had heard about the keto diet – which involves driving your body to burn fat as the main source of energy – and had decided to try it in December 2018. He had also decided to associate it with intermittent fasting, a diet that typically consisted of eating for eight hours and fasting for 16 hours on a given day. To stay consistent, he used an app – the LIFE Fasting app – in order to track the timing of his meals and determine when his body was in a state of ketosis, the stage of fat burning.

pictureAntonio Gutierrez

At first, he experienced some common difficulties, such as not having a hearty meal immediately after fasting. Instead, he would take a light meal, slowly returning to his window. (His advice for those looking to try an intermittent fasting plan: "Start slowly and at small intervals." Do not try to start with a two-day fast either.) Start with a shorter fasting cycle and see how your body reacts, I always try to drink a lot of water and end my fasts when my body asks me to. ")

He also started training more frequently – 30 minutes of cardio here and there, or running with his son to teach him how to do push-ups, sit-ups, and basic bodybuilding movements. As a result, the weight fell dramatically: in five months, Gutierrez lost more than 100 pounds, and he's still going. Currently at 215 pounds, he says his new goal is to reach 200, and then work on stabilizing, perhaps switching from a keto diet to a vegetarian diet.

In the meantime, he says, he is only enjoying the innumerable benefits of being healthy again. "My level of confidence has increased enormously, I have a lot more energy and my wife is also happier.We can do a lot more activities than we could not do before.I can even go hiking, biking and grocery shopping with her without having to sit and catch my breath every few minutes, "he says." The best part? Now I can follow her with my son to the amusement parks. "


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