Keto Crotch – Does the Keto Diet Make You Feel?


Ah, the keto diet. On the plus side, it has helped tons of people lose weight. On the non-positive side, it comes with many side effects, such as keto flu, keto breath and keto diarrhea.

Now, people are talking about another unpleasant side effect of the keto diet: the keto crotch. Yes, some people online have noticed that their vagina began to emit an intense order after following the low carb diet.

Is Keto Crotch a real thing?

To make one thing very clear in the first place, no research could confirm that the keto crotch was, in fact, a thing. But that does not mean that people do not yet feel some less than pleasant smells over there on the keto diet.

The Keto crotch resembles the keto breathing phenomenon. When your body is in ketosis (releases fat as fuel, instead of carbohydrates), it produces ketones (chemicals like acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone – yes, the latter is the same ingredient of solvent for nail polish). These are chemicals naturally produced by your body, but as your body produces more with the keto diet, this excess can make your poo, pee, and breath a little more stinky (again, like nail polish remover). nails).

But that's probably not what's happening here, says Jessica Shepherd, MD, a minimally invasive Gynecologist in Dallas and founder of Her Viewpoint. Instead, it's more likely that the keto diet changes your vaginal pH – and this change your vaginal odor, she says. "Any diet can change your vaginal pH," she says, which can then slightly alter the odor.

What should I do about it?

If you notice that you smell odd right after you go to keto, you can give her a few days to see if she disappears, says Dr. Shepherd. (And most importantly, do not get angry.Vaginal douches can expose you to a host of other problems and increase your risk of infection.)

But if the odor persists or you begin to notice other symptoms such as itching, burning and abnormal loss, it's time to see your doctor. You could have an infection that is not related to your diet.


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