Keto diet and fasting helped me lose weight after pregnancy


I am Brianna I am 31 years old and I am a hairdresser and mom in Los Angeles.

I have three gorgeous children under 5 years old. After three children and taking care of their little ones (the best job in the world!), Your body has suffered a lot, as you can imagine.

During my third pregnancy, I took 60 pounds. But unlike my other two pregnancies, the weight did not go for the third time. When my youngest son was about a year and a half old, I realized that I had lost only 15 pounds out of the 60 that I had earned. I settled in and got comfortable with that weight, but at the same time, I was not happy with how I felt.

My turning

In October 2018, I realized that I was weighing very hard and that I had to change something. I ate everything I wanted and did not watch at all that I ate. My diet consisted of a lot of pizzas, hamburgers, cupcakes, milkshakes and sodas.

I therefore decided to try keto. I did my research and went thoroughly. I had never really "dieted" before, and I never thought I could do it because I did not feel able to control myself with food. But to my surprise, I enjoyed the keto and started losing weight right off the bat. See the amazing results motivated me.

Before starting this trip, I would like to understand how just changing your diet can make you lose weight so quickly. I have lost 45 pounds since I started playing keto and I already went from a size 10 to a size 4.

Preparing food has helped a lot. I have developed a better grasp of myself now that I understand how the foods that enter my body can affect me as a whole, both mentally and physically. I have so much more energy when I am aware of what I put in my body. My barber job is so fast that I need all the energy I can get. But most importantly, I have more energy to devote to my three kids now. And it's the greatest blessing.

What I eat in a day now

I prepare a lot of meals and plan every meal I will prepare for the week. I find tons of keto recipes on Pinterest and my kids also love to help cook (which is an added bonus). I like to find recipes that contain a lot of vegetables. I also like to cook and search for keto-friendly dessert recipes.

  • Breakfast: Bulletproof coffee
  • Breakfast: Chicken salad or tacos
  • snacks: Pepperoni, cheese slices
  • Having dinner: Chicken with cream cheese jalapeño
  • Dessert: Cheesecake without sugar with a sliced ​​strawberry

    My top three tips for success

    1. Consider eating in a period of time. During my research, I learned that many people using the keto had been successful in combining it with intermittent fasting (SI). I tried myself a version of IF and I found that it worked really well for me to start eating around lunch time and close the kitchen earlier in the evening. I eat usually between the hours of 13 hours. and 20 hours, and I do not feel deprived. (Of course, intermittent fasting is not necessarily a good idea for every person, so talk to a doctor or nutritionist first.)

        2. Pay attention to carbohydrates and sugar. Yes, I am sure you have already heard this advice! But as basic as it sounds, I've reduced my carbohydrate and sugars intake because of my keto, and now I notice how much carbs make me so sick that I feel sick from eating them . It's not just about weight and calories, but about how I feel physically. I eat treats from time to time because I try to maintain my weight. I also make sugar free treats here and there in case I want to smoke.

        3. Remember that it is normal to waste time. You are wrong because you are human, but you have to take a deep breath, accept it and continue. Try to find your strength, but also have grace with yourself. It's a lifestyle change and it takes time to re-educate your habits.


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