Keto Dieters Nut high fat go crazy


When comparing pili nuts to other popular nuts, it is clear that they are by far the lowest carbohydrate option, containing only 1 gram per ounce (about ΒΌ cup). The only other nut that comes close is macadamia nut with 4 grams of carbs per ounce, while cashews weigh 9 grams and almonds at 6 grams. So, if you're on a keto diet and you count each carbohydrate to hit your macros, this nut could be a good choice for nibbling.

But even if you are not too focused on the number of carbs, pili nuts can be a healthy way to mix things up. "Pillow nuts can be a great option for adding to the rotation and incorporating heart-healthy fats into your diet," says Jess Cording, RD, dietitian and member of the mbg collective. "One ounce (about 15 cores) provides about 200 calories and 22 grams of fat, which is 11 grams of monounsaturated fat, 8 grams of saturated fat and 3 grams of polyunsaturated fat."

You will also have 25% of the recommended daily intake of thiamine (also called vitamin B1), which is important for carbohydrate metabolism; 10% of your zinc, which plays a key role in immune function; and 20 percent of your magnesium, which helps regulate the mood and balance of blood sugar, among a lot other stuff. It is particularly exciting that pili nuts are rich in magnesium, as between 50 and 90% of people do not have an adequate level.


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