Kim Kardashian Responds to North West Painting Allegations


Today, in the internet drama I Didn’t See Coming, Kim Kardashian is currently wrestling with … well, everyone who comes in for the recent North West art venture. ICYMI, earlier today, Kim posted an Instagram Story of a painting North completed and captioned it “My Little Artist from the North.” The table in question:


Unable to understand that North West – the eldest daughter of millionaires Kim Kardashian and Kanye West – would be able to receive quality painting lessons (issues valued at over a year of my rent), netizens spent the day at speculate if North even painted the picture in the first place.

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But Kim isn’t here for that, and in her Instagram stories she had a very clear message for her daughter’s critics. She wrote:


“My daughter and her best friend take a serious oil painting class where their talents and creativity are encouraged and nurtured. North worked incredibly hard on his painting, which took several weeks. As a proud mom, I wanted to share her work with everyone. I see opinion pieces in adult media and social media breaking down whether my kid actually painted this or not! How dare you see kids doing great things and then trying to accuse them of NOT being great!?!?! Please stop embarrassing yourself with negativity and allow every child to be BIG !!!



So, uh, now that Kim has spoken out to champion Picasso / Van Gogh / Bob Ross’ artistic abilities of his North – which are COMPLETELY achievable given that Kim has more than enough money to invest in her daughter’s interests. – let’s get past that, shall we?

You love all the details about celebrities. U.S. too! Let’s over-analyze them together.

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