"Kissing Bug" defecates in the face, kills heart muscle – near NJ


A insect carrying a dangerous parasitic disease has been confirmed in another neighboring state of New Jersey.

Chagas disease, which has been diagnosed in 300,000 people in at least 30 American states, is transmitted by triatomine, known as "kissing bugs". It has been spreading to Pennsylvania since last summer. The CDC has confirmed that this insect has also been found in Delaware since July 2018.

In a statement released this month, the CDC confirmed that a family living near a heavily forested area of ​​this state had sought the help of officials after noticing a bite on their face from their daughter last summer.

The girl did not get sick, but the virus was clearly identified as a kissing virus.

"What they tend to do, is that they like the face, hence the name of the kissing insect, and they will bite you in the face or around the eyes." said Dr. Ted Louie, an infectious disease specialist at the Medical Society of New Jersey, previously reported in New Jersey 101.5.

Chagas disease can lead to serious heart and gastrointestinal complications. The parasite that carries it actually spreads through the feces of the kissing bugs, which can be rubbed on the wound by the bite of the insect.

"Often, one of the classic signs is swelling above the eye, followed by an acute illness like fever and muscle aches," Louie said.

Other early symptoms may include tiredness, rash, and headaches.

Dr. Rachana Kulkarni, a cardiologist from New Jersey at the American Heart Association, said many people who could contract Chagas disease would not experience symptoms until years later.

"The most common diseases are cardiomyopathy, which is the type of heart that swells, then the parasite starts killing heart muscle and leads to heart failure."

She added that the parasite would begin to replace the heart muscle with scar tissue, which could lead to an aneurysm. Patients may have an irregular and sometimes fatal heart rhythm.

"We need to instill screening processes, and clinicians and physicians need to be aware of this so that they can be treated properly," said Kulkarni.

Louie said that if you live in a modern house or apartment, the chances of getting Chagas are slim, but if you spend time in more rural areas or if you are camping, the risks increase.

He said that if you think you have been bitten by a kissing virus, you should see a doctor as soon as possible because it has been shown that different anti-parasite drugs have a good success rate.

The CDC estimates that the vast majority of people with Chagas disease in the United States have been infected in areas of Central America and South America where the disease is usually present.

All the bugs of the triatomine are not infected by the parasite.

CDC officials also said that the risk of human contact infection in the United States is low even when the virus is infected.

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