KISSING BUG IN CAROLINAS: CDC warns of "Kissing Bug" spreading north to the Carolinas


NORTH CAROLINA – An insect that bites people around the mouth and could be deadly makes its way further north, including the Carolinas.

This is called the "Kissing Bug" and the doctors call it a silent killer.

[ALSO READ: Dangerous ‘kissing bug’ illness spreading across Southern U.S.]

The CDC said that while he was sucking the blood, he was defecating, leaving behind a parasite that could lead to potentially life-threatening Chagas disease.

Last year, the CDC had warned that insects came from Central and South America and had been reported as far north as Pennsylvania, including North Carolina and the United States. Caroline from the south.

According to doctors, the symptoms usually include redness and severe itching, but can be as severe as irregular heartbeats that can lead to sudden death, digestion problems, and increased risk of having a stroke.

They also said that after a few days, you may not feel anything unusual for years.

[ALSO READ: ‘Kissing bug’ native to NC; little cause for concern, experts say]

Officials said most people had only minor symptoms.

The CDC said that homeowners should remove garbage, wood and heaps of stones around their house and clean all nests of birds or animals.


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