˝ It's my area ˝ Overwatch & # 39; rekingball & # 39; Join the official server


Blizzard applied his 28th hero's "Legingball", a shooting game "Overwatch", to the official server on the 25th.

"LeKingball". is a seventh hero of badault, armed with giant steel robots and superb mechanical modification capabilities.

▲ Lecking Ball (Courtesy photo: Blizzard)

Automatic launch that can drive away enemies from far 4 Armed with an extension machine gun, it turns into a turn and moves quickly through the battlefield. Here, we had a quick move using hooks, a minefield, the ultimate weapon that undermines the ground, and a "file driver" that goes down from above to attack the lorry. enemy. From now on, players will be able to enjoy "rake balls" in all modes of play except before the competition, and they will join them before the competition.

You can find more information about "over watch". on the official site

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