[美 고용지표 반응] "Overall strength … hard to find the worst"


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[美 고용지표 반응] "Overall strength ... hard to find the worst"

(Reuters = News 1) Reporter Yang Jae-Sang | 2018-07-07 01:27 Songwon

Last month, the number of American workers increased more than expected. According to the US Department of Labor, on June 6, the number of non-farmers in the United States increased by 213,000 in June from the previous month. Economists were expecting an increase of 195,000. The previous month's record was revised from 243,000 to 244,000.

The unemployment rate reached 4.0% in June, up 0, 2% compared to the previous month. The market expectation was 3.8%. It's the impact of more people entering the job market. The average hourly wage in June increased by 0.2% MoM. The market consensus was less than 0.3%.

Here is an expert commentary on employment indicators in the United States in June:

"Overall, employment was quite strong and the indicators that have been used by employers are hard to find. The average hourly wage rate was 0.2% higher than last month, which was slightly disappointing, as the average hourly wage rate increased 2.7%, but the number of non-agricultural workers was 213%. 000 last month.

"The unemployment rate in the household survey increased by 0.2 percentage points, and the number of people surveyed by employers has increased dramatically." Surprisingly, but looking at the components, close to Half a million have been reinstated in the economically active population, given the size of US employment I think the situation is pretty good overall "" I think that's what it's all about. " is overall a good situation, but it's not a bad situation now, 19659007] "Treasury traders pay the most attention to the average hourly wage, which is why the bond market is 39; state has recovered immediately, but in terms of detailed indicators, it remains overall positive "(Thomas Saimonz, Money Market Economist, New York)

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