[경제]"Apartment 4 years 2" … minors 225 people, including tax investigation



The National Tax Service has opened a tax investigation into 225 people alleged to have allegedly allegedly fraudulently manipulated a large amount of real estate, deposits and stock, although the source of the funds is not clear.

This means that you will prevent the pbadage of wealth without tax.

It was discovered that a 4-year-old kindergarten student had won two apartments for 400 million won.

This is the reporter Oh In-suk.


A 4-year-old nursery school received two apartments for 400 million won.

A 12-year-old primary school student also handed over two apartments from their parents.

However, I am accused of foul play because I do not pay taxes.

A dentist built a store with an 18-year-old high school student and his child was registered as a real estate leasing company, but instead paid in cash.

Twenty-two miners, who increase their incomes and rental income, have been arrested by the tax authorities.

In addition, 90 miners holding large deposits suspected of being granted by their parents were also eligible for a tax investigation.

It was found that high school siblings generated a large amount of interest after depositing money on a regular deposit from their father, who is a rental business several times.

It is also confirmed that the company has not declared the profits of children earned in the KOSDAQ market within five years of the creation of the company jointly with the child by giving money to the minor child.

Last year, real estate, stocks and deposits given to minors exceeded W 1 trillion.

After reaching 500 billion won in 2015, it continues to rise.

The Internal Revenue Service believes that the succession of tax-free badets and management rights continues.

225 people are subject to tax investigation.

[이동신 / 국세청 자산과세국장 : 국세청에서는 미성년자의 변칙 상속·증여 등 세금 탈루행위에 대해서 미성년자 보유자산에 대한 전수분석을 통해 상시적으로 점검하고 탈세혐의가 발견될 경우에는 세무조사를 통해 더욱 엄정히 대응해 나갈 계획 입니다.]

The National Tax Service said it was verifying the merits of the report on 199 miners suspected of tax abatement by reporting the apartments inherited and conferred on the city rather than on the city.

YTN Oh Inseok[[email protected]].

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