[경제]"I will sell and give the house" …



Recently, house prices have risen sharply and cases of giving gifts to families without selling homes are increasing rapidly.

This is to reduce the capital gains tax and the burden of holding taxes.

As donations increase, it appears that the property will be locked for a period of time.

Rin's reporter interviewed me.


He calls himself 'Gangnam Lotto & # 39; at the beginning of this year.

Of the ten general winners, six or more requested a change.

I've replaced most of my spouses with a common name that gives a share, but it's not just the apartment that does not have the nicest gift of housing.

By the end of October this year, there were 92,000 housing units across the country, far exceeding the total number of donations from last year.

That's the maximum value ever.

At the same time, the number of houses in Seoul increased by 40 percent over the previous year, especially in Gangnam-gu, which has already more than doubled compared to the previous year.

In April, 1,800 cases were reported before the entry into force of the capital gains tax and the maximum amount of income tax.

As the price of real estate increases and the burden of transfer taxes increases, it will reduce the tax burden by transferring the family to the family.

The government has decided to impose comprehensive property taxes on three homeowners and two homeowners in the regulated area and has announced a price increase early next year.

[임경인 / KEB 하나은행 세무사 : 종합부동산세는 같은 세대원이라 하더라도 소유권을 달리하면 줄어드는 효과가 있고, 다주택자는 양도소득세도 중과되기 때문에 외부에 처분하긴 힘들고 증여의 방식으로….]

The experts predicted that, for now, the foreclosure and closure of the cliffs would continue, with the number of multi-lender beneficiaries having increased significantly, along with the recent increase in the registration of leased companies.

It's Lin on YTN.

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