Federal Reserve Powell's comments that the US benchmark interest rate is almost neutral have given rise to several interpretations.
There is a voice that says the market is overheating as rate hikes should slow.
Reporter Seongho Park.
The neutral benchmark interest rate halted the rate hike to a level that did not cause the economy to overheat or slow down.
Powell's badessment of the benchmark interest rate of 2 to 2.25% per annum went from "far from neutral" last month to "below the level of neutrality" this month .
Some see it as a final sign of the Fed's three-year "tightening of the money" cycle.
Next month's rate hike is almost a mistake, but the outlook for next year is expected to be reduced one to three times.
The concern over the economic slowdown, linked to the rising US account deficit, the downturn in consumer spending growth, and the sharp drop in new home sales, adds to the prospect of a slowdown. a slowdown in the rate hike.
[백흥기 / 현대경제연구원 산업전략본부장 : 그동안 매년 수차례씩 금리 인상을 단행한다던 계획에서 앞으로는 다소 탄력적으로 운영하겠다는 신호로 보입니다.]However, Powell's diagnosis suggests that he will maintain the strength of the tightening rather than the policy of easing the rate hike.
[제롬 파월 / 미 연방준비제도 의장 : 연준이나 많은 민간 전문가들은 미국 경제가 견조하고 실업률은 낮으며 물가 상승률은 2% 가까이 될 것으로 전망합니다.]"We can not interpret Powell's remarks in one direction," he said.
[성태윤 / 연세대 경제학부 교수 : 미국 통화정책의 방향은 미국 경기의 움직임에 따라서 결정될 가능성이 높고요, 일방적인 완화나 긴축 방향으로 간다고 보기는 어려울 것으로 생각됩니다.]It should be noted how the interpretation of the US interest rate policy will be mixed with the outlook, which will affect the BOK's decision on the benchmark interest rate.
YTN Park Sung Ho[[email protected]].
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