[경제]Total birth rate this year



In the third quarter of this year, the total fertility rate was 0.95, lower than 1 in the second consecutive quarter.

If we do this, the total fertility rate will reach zero for the first time in history and the rate of population decline will accelerate.

It's Kim Pyong Jung.


There are 603 hospitals and clinics in the country in 2016.

That's 46% less than it was 10 years ago, while it was above 1,100.

Obviously, the birth of a baby shrinks quickly.

The number of babies that a woman should have during her lifetime, the total fertility rate, was 0.95 in the third quarter of this year, less than one in the second consecutive quarter.

In the past, statistics show that in the fourth quarter it may decline further as the birth rate declines with the end of the year.

This should lead to a decline in the total fertility rate, which was just over one in the past year, to reach zero for the first time this year.

In order to maintain the current population level in Korea, the rate of population decline needs to be accelerated, with the total fertility rate to be at least 2.1.

[김 진 / 통계청 인구동향과장 : 만약에 4분기에도 이런 감소 추세가 지속된다면 연간 출생아 수가 1명 미만으로 나올 것으로 예측합니다. 인구 감소 시기가 좀 더 빨리 찾아와서 인구절벽이 앞당겨질 수 있다고 예측합니다.]

In fact, the number of newborns decreased by 13% in September compared to the same period last year. This was the first double-digit decline recorded this year; it continued to decline for 34 consecutive months from December 2015.

The number of marriages in the third quarter decreased by 5.6% compared to the same period last year.

YTN Kim Pyung Jung[[email protected]].

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