[공식입장] Seoul panicked by the leak of American graduates "All payments are due"


Ma Dong Seok / News 1 © News1

The actor Ma Dong-suk is excused for his father's scam controversy and said: "I paid all the money to pay." In some of the previous cases, it has been alleged that Ma Dong Seok's father withdrew about 500 million won from his old age funds.

Regarding this issue, TCOent, a subsidiary of Mae Suk Seok, issued a press release on the 29th and said, "I'm really sorry for putting a lot of people in trouble with bad things."

According to Majung Seok, Majok Seok Seok's father planned to return to the investor the amount he had received for commercial investment purposes in 2010, but part of this amount was different from the fact and proceeded to the trial. "I confirmed through my father, his attorney and the judgment that he had paid the full amount due to his decision," Maj said.

"I apologize to all of you for giving me trouble doing it, whatever you are studying for." "If you have another responsibility, I will put an end to all our legal and moral responsibilities to the person who has suffered as a son who is learning to marry, and I will do my best to solve it smoothly."

The old media reported that Ma Dong Seok's father had received about 500 million won from A's old-age funds. After that, A's nephews sued Majeok's father. His father had been suspended for four years in June and June to two years in prison for being accused of mbad murder at the first and second hearings.

Below you will find the official position of TCOent, the agency of the company.

Hello, TCOent.

We will send you official statistics on actresses.

First of all, I am really sorry to have put a lot of people in trouble with bad things.

In 2010, I was going to return the money that I had received for the purpose of my father 's investment, but as a portion of this amount was different in fact, I' ve tried the relevant part and paid the amount to be refunded by judgment. I confirmed through the intermediary of the father, the lawyer and the judgment of the actor.

I apologize again to all of you for letting me do what you want to learn to do.

If there is another responsibility, I will put an end to all our legal and moral responsibilities towards the person who is suffering as a son and who is learning to work as a son, and I will do my best to solve the problem. slowly.

[email protected]

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