[국감2018] Representative Kim Bong-Jin, "Disclosure of Candidate Announcements, Review of Fixed Costs of Advertising"


[디지털데일리 이형두기자] The delivery nation has stepped back from the controversy surrounding recent advertising spending. We will convert the "Super List" advertising product into an open auction method. The company has also decided to consider lower prices for its monthly flat-rate advertising products.

On the 26th, the Committee of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Industrial and Commercial Resources Assembly of Industrial and Commercial Resources conducted a comprehensive audit of the activities of venture capital firms of small and medium enterprises. Representative Kim Bong-jin from the delivery nation and representative Kang Shin-bong from Alji Pyo Korea attended the hearing.

The best advertising spots in the country for broadcast are currently organized in a closed auction format. The ministry criticized these auctions blindly by calling them "unlimited incentive to higher advertising costs". The delivery country refuted by stating, "This is because it is the second highest bidder, thus preventing the owners from excessive competition."

Kim Bong-jin, a member of the delivery group, pointed out that the advertising cost of the Chung Woo-taek (Democratic Party) is excessive. "I wonder if public or private auctions will be helpful to small business owners" If bosses want more disclosure, there's no reason not to do so. "

Jung Woo-taek, a member of the ruling party, said: "I am doing business in developed overseas countries and I have received a Nobel Prize in economics." I do not think so. that it will be even better, "he said.

Kwon Chik-seung (Democratic Party) suggested that the advertising rate for the top of the app be provided free of charge. Currently, teleshopping companies provide free part of their broadcasting programs to SMEs.

Kim Bong-jin, the representative of the "I will go inside to see if this is feasible." Kang Shin-bong said, "I will check if there are any plans that can be free for small businesses that do not sell. "

It was also pointed out that the "flag", a monthly flat-rate product, Jung Woo-taek said: "Even if I put the flag in the overlap area, I get all the advertising costs.There are a lot of requests of price reductions, "said Kim Bong-jin, company representative." The products are worth 80,000 won and 25 times more advertising effect, "he said.

There is also an order "to agree with the food service organization for the delivery application fee". Baek Jae-hyun (with the Democratic Party) said: "It is necessary to negotiate with negotiating groups such as the Korea Food and Drug Administration, and not to settle the commission unilaterally". "The commission is a very difficult problem and we have no operating profit.If a chapter can be discussed with a small business owner, I will actively raise it."

At the same time, Gang Shin-bong, who was granted free speech that day, said, "The food delivered home market went from 15 trillion won last year to 19 trillion won. Won $ 20 trillion this year, the $ 4 trillion market has grown thanks to our efforts and global trends, and one trillion shipments are expected to have 50 million deliveries, or about 10,000 deliveries. "

"From 40,000 to 50,000 jobs have been created over the past year and it should be considered that the delivery application creates this market at the same time."

<이형두 기자>[email protected]

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