[뉴스해설] Nuclear reacts to record heat


The expansion of nuclear power plant activities is expected to take place during the summer supply and demand cycle.

  Jung Jae-hoon, president of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., checks the Hanul 2 nuclear plant on the 21st.
<정재훈 한국수력원자력 사장이 지난 21일 한울 2호기 원전 가동 현장을 찾아 설비를 점검하고 있다.>

] The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade 39 Energy has adopted a high reserve rate as a key strategy for providing electricity this summer. To this end, the nuclear power plant is operated as needed. It's different from last winter. The number of nuclear power plants in service was only 13 in February this year, when peak power consumption (88.2 million kW) was recorded.

Compared with the winter, nuclear capacity and role played a greater role in supply and demand this summer. If Hanul units 4 and 2 both operate, the operational nuclear plant will reach 17,550 megawatts. The largest number of nuclear power plants will be operational since the creation of the Moon Jaein government (May 2017).

Previously, the energy industry was expecting a recovery in the utilization rate of nuclear power plants. KEPCO is expected to ease the burden of business due to the normal operation of its nuclear power plant, which is the subject of preventative maintenance, in the second round of the conference call.

In April, a number of nuclear reactors, such as Kori 3 and 4, Shin-Kori 2 and 3, Wolsong 2 and Shinwol-seong 1, will resume operations. .

However, on February 12, Hanul 2 stopped suddenly, and on January 16, Hanbit 2 began preventive maintenance, and the capacity of the nuclear power plant fell back to 15,600 MW. On the 16th, the maximum energy consumption in summer was the first day renewed, and the reserve energy temporarily fell below 10 million kW, reaching 9.45 million kW.

The Electricity Market Price (SMP) Recently, SMP is expected to track 100 won per kWh due to the increase in energy consumption. If the increasing demand for electricity is satisfied by the production of LNG electricity, SMP can continue to increase. In March, when the rate of use of nuclear power plants was at a low, the SMP exceeded 100 won. If the SMP drops due to the additional operation of the nuclear power plant, the electricity purchase charge of KEPCO will also be reduced.

The atomic system has given new meaning to the growing role of the nuclear power station. Electricity consumption continued to increase from the 16th this summer, reaching 80.88 million kilowatts on the 20th and reaching a record 88.23 million kilowatts. It is hoped that the nuclear power plant, which has been reduced by the government's policy of energy conversion, will renew its perception as it enters the supply and demand group. demand for electricity.

The Ministry of Industry decided not to extend the interpretation of the reactivation of nuclear reactors, considering that the maximum electricity consumption is expected to increase in summer during the second and third weeks of August.

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) said that this summer 's power and electricity demand will be affected by the electricity supply. use of a coal-fired power plant, Bupyeong Thermal Power Plant and an LNG plant. Samchuk Green 2 worked normally after the completion of maintenance and maintained a stable reserve of more than 10 million kW. The second and third weeks of August should allow to increase the supply capacity of 2.5 million kW by the end of the month and the beginning of the month of August , with the addition of maintenance and transmission and plant strengthening.

<탈원전 선언 이후 원전 가동률 현황>

 [뉴스해설] Nuclear Power Plant,

Department of Industrial Policy and Management Journalist [email protected]

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