[뉴스pick] "Ronaldo, Juventus go … salary 39.2 billion contracts completed" 7 days of official announcement "


Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly concluded personal contract for Real Madrid against Juventus
  Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly signed a 30 million euro deal with Juventus for a Twitter catch (Photo: Twitter & # 39; Romeo Agresti [Capture] Italy goal Rosio Agregisti reported yesterday (5th) that thanks to his Twitter account, Ronaldo has reached an agreement with Juventus for a salary of 30 million euros,

The salary of 30 million Euro was the amount Ronaldo wanted when he discussed the contract with Real Madrid

The same day, the Spanish sports newspaper "Marca" announced that Ronaldo was in talks with the president of Real Madrid, Perrotinho Perez,
  Cristiano Ronaldo and Florentino Perez Real Madrid President Peres reportedly offered to release Ronaldo when he will bring about 131 billion euros for our money, and 100 million euros for the transfer d & #

] The agent of Ronaldo Jorge Méndez suggested that Juventus be able to pay 100 million euros and that Ronaldo Juventus continues indefinitely.

Juventus, who traded with Real and negotiated transfer fee with Ronaldo,
  Fan page of Juventus Twitter (photo = capture "Forzajuve2017") [Cristiano Ronaldo] Juventus fan page about Cristiano Ronaldo [7] On the Twitter account, a photo of Ronaldo's uniform bearing the number 7 is uploaded, I prayed

net-citizens show a hot reaction as "real that Ronaldo do not imagine not coming" No type of rain.

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