[단독] "What we want is an apology" … The controversy over money-related fraud fraud and Marcus's 83-year-old father



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Image-id = "30000578523" clbad = "lazy" src = "https://img.sbs.co.kr/news/enternews_videoback.png" data-origin = "sbs" data-src = "https: // img "style =" max-width: 725px; display: block; margin-20px auto "data-v_height =" 741 "data-v_play_time =" 0 "data-v_reg_date =" 20170830121733 "data-reg_user =" data-v_src = " https://img.sbs.co.kr/ newsnet / etv / upload / 2017/08/30 / 30000578523.jpg "data-v_title =" Criminal Cities "data-v_width =" 500

[SBS 연예뉴스 l 강경윤 기자] The father of a Korean actor, Ma Dong Seok (born and led by Lee Dong-seok), was caught in a fraudulent controversy. It was revealed that Ma Dong Seok's father, Mom (85), had lost about 500 million won from her old age fund, which Kim Si-moo (83)

Kim, who claims to be the victim, is now hospitalized in a Gyeongsang-do Municipal Hospital. A nephew A, who is taking legal action on behalf of Mr. Kim, said: "After the incident, my aunt suffered a stroke, an extreme depression and was alone in the hospital. "He said.

According to Mr. A, Mr. Kim would have found his father, who was in high school in 2010. Kim's grandmother, an enthusiastic educator, died after her husband in his thirties, having received an education for life childless and given a national medal, found her. Lee said, "Do not trust your elderly parents," "If you leave the world, I will take you to the temple," he said, and he released hundreds of millions of won to obtain funds old age and mortgages.

Kim, who is in shock for a year and has lost all her belongings, has beaten herself alone in the retirement home until the fall. My last nephews, who were late, sued Lee in June 2016. Although many materials such as deposits have already disappeared, he was sentenced to two years and six months in prison at the first and second court hearings. this year due to the apprehension (fraud) of nearly 300 million won from the amount of fraud. However, the court ruled that he would be suspended for four years, since he was 80 years old.

During a phone conversation with the SBS Entertainment News reporter, Mr. A said, "Every time I will not pay my money, Mr. Lee will postpone his son's departure to China and pay for it. a part." Or, in Cambodia, Even during this lawsuit, Lee knew that Mr. Kim was suffering from a stroke: "I have never met a victim" or "The money that I have" I borrowed only a few million won. " I have been treated with patients with dementia. "

Image-id = "30000618469" clbad = "lazy" src = "https://img.sbs.co.kr/news/enternews_videoback.png" data-origin = "sbs" data-src = "https: // img "style =" max-width: 725px; display: block; data-v_height = "809" data-v_play_time = "0" data-v_reg_date = "20181129104700" data-reg_user = "data_v_height =" data-v_src = "https: //img.sbs.co.kr/ newsnet / etv / upload / 2018/11/29 / 30000618469.jpg "data-v_title =" marble "data-v_width =" 2053

Mr. A said: "If Mr. Lee had not said that he was the father of a movie star known to his aunt and his entourage, he would not have it. not believed. " He asked Mr. Ma to talk to his company about his father's work. He said, "Do not call me because it's my dad's job."

Mr. A said: "My aunt did not have any children, so he collected his old age funds without running during his lifetime and once he took money like that, his aunt is shocked he never apologized, he said that he lived well with his family in a big apartment in Gangnam and that he had traveled about 200 million won during the trial at the end of the trial, and that's what it was for his aunt.

"We also know the case and we know that the court ruled and paid a certain amount of money," said a TCO Entertainment executive, an affiliate of TCO Entertainment, at a news conference. phone conversation with SBS Entertainment News reporters. It is unfortunate that I am shocked, but this incident occurred when I was working like this because my son was a public servant. "We will identify the facts and disclose their positions through official press releases," said one official.

Photo = DB SBS Entertainment News

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