[미리보는 러시아월드컵] Quarterfinal match to final match "Everyone ran on goal scorer"


  Edison Kavanagh [사진=스카이스포츠 홈페이지]
Edison Kavanagh [사진=스카이스포츠 홈페이지]
[아시아경제 김형민 기자] The schedule for the quarter-finals of the World Cup in Russia begins. From now on, it's a big game. There was a struggle that could not discuss the superiority in objective power. Eight teams will attack each other.

In the eighth round, there are six European teams (France, Belgium, Russia, Croatia, Sweden and England) and the second team of South America (Uruguay, Brazil). All spent the group stage and boasted of the strength of the 16th round. However, only four teams are allowed in the fourth round. A team must laugh and a team to cry.

Everything is on the toes of the shooters. It seems that the fight of the hole or the blockage will influence the whole game. New French striker Kylian Mbafé faces veteran Uruguayan defender Diego Godin. In Brazil and Belgium, the confrontations were complicated.
The English star Harry Kane is a member of the Swedish mentality, Andreas Grunkvist, who is a member of the Swedish Mental Team,

Uruguay vs France (18:03, Nizhny Novgorod)

The first match between both sides of the experience and consternation C is the confrontation. Uruguay had a solid defensive center around Diego Godin, Luis Suárez and Eddinson Kavánítotto. Suárez and Cavani are good at breathing for a long time in the national team. Above all, Suarez is highly rated as having a good life. Ferguson Lance is a powerful young fast forward with Killian Mbufe and Antoine Grizman. Olivier Jiru holds the center in the center.

In the end, the result of the confrontation between Godin and Mumbaffe is great. Gordon is at the top of his mind to turn off his opponent's shot in front of goal. Well, I do not think we have a chance to shoot. The key is to know how few opportunities are saved. Kavani's injury in Uruguay is also a factor in the match. Uruguay needs a pea coat to reach the fourth rivers. The press also keeps secret information about participation or not. It seems crucial that the French fill the void in the warning of Kantae Blaise Mautoudi in the midfield. The vacant position of Matoudi is likely to be Corintin Toulouse, but it is unlikely that Toulouse will be able to fill the void.

  Nemar, Brazil [사진=FIFA 공식 페이스북]
Nemar, Brazil [사진=FIFA 공식 페이스북]

Brazil vs Belgium (07:00, 03:00, Kazan)

In addition to these circumstances, foreign bets should attract a lot. It's a game with a lot of goals, but there is a strong possibility of scoring. The game will change as Belgium tries to back against Brazil and starts offensive from the start. However, Brazil is back at the start of the 15th minute of the World Cup and has been on the defensive for the first half of the match. The defensive line, centered on Chi Siapi, has the power to block the opponent's attack well. In Belgium, it is possible that the game is difficult if it is not marked with Romel Lukaku and Edu Azar at the beginning.

Brazil has many variables. It is also important that Kasemiru build a center that misses the cumulative warning. Fernando Newu is likely to play for him. Or there is a way to knock down Paulini and install him here. Marcello returns with the injured ankle ligaments not playing.
Belgium, meanwhile, can harbad Brazil with a fast counting attack, while Marcelo is left to run aggressively and replace Philippe Lewis in the second half. Starting with Kevin De Braunner's pbad, he made a lot of points with personal skills like Azar.
When Brazil replaces Piminu, when Belgium replaces Maru Anpelaini, offensive tactics are modified to fight against power and height. Whether this point is taken first or not can be the key to the game.

<img src = "http://cphoto.asiae.co.kr/listimglink/6/2018070407463938624_1530657998.png" alt = "[미리보는 러시아월드컵] Sweden vs England (23:00, Samara on March 7)

<img src = "http://cphoto.asiae.co.kr/listimglink/6/2018070407463938624_1530657998.png" alt = "[미리보는 러시아월드컵] All the players of the quarters "Arena)

is the team's showdown with color clearly Sweden is a shield, England is a window Sweden has been a strong defensive football up to Present in the eighth round, England made a mix of thrillers and bads and made a unique combination of players and cruising.Economic prospects are anticipated.Sugar is likely to defend and England should continue to beat.England has no choice but to believe in the foot of Harry Cain.Kane scored six goals in the tournament and t is in the first place. The type of attack Kane is important. He does not stay on the line of attack, but he often goes down to the intermediate level and gets the ball and sometimes he succeeds in hitting the middle shot. This is not a perfect scorer who is fighting in front of goal. Whether favorable or unfavorable to England will change the course of the economy. If Kane does not keep his Swedish defense tight, the England attack becomes more difficult. Jamie Bodies and Delle Ali are unavailable due to injuries.

Sweden will continue its good fate against England. I've already started a nervous battle. Mikael Rusty, who can see the right and central defense, may miss the warning and cause a slight gap in the Swedish defense. The endurance of Andreas Granqvist, who played a lot in every game and every attack, is also essential. Overall, the odds of a penalty win from England seem quite high. Kane never misses a penalty in Tottenham and England.


Russia vs Croatia (Sochi at 8:00, 00:00)

Organizing Russia will try to reach the quarter-finals. The challenge for the Russian side is how to stop the offensive in Croatia. Croatia does not have zero, but the mobility of the intermediary is a problem. Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic and other midfielders have been tired in the last 16 games. It is important to eliminate these concerns while there are physical problem badyzes. Mario Manjukichi is on the offensive line and seems to have to hang on to it.

Russia should resume its defensive tactics in the 16th round of the World Cup in the 16th round. The offensive line is likely to be played by Artem Juba. Juba is the best star of Russia in this tournament. He scored three goals and one badist. Alexander Kokorin was injured, and after being included in the World Cup, Fedor Smalllov's starter hits. Juba has the power to give Croatia a head start with precise heading and a lot of activity. The enthusiastic cheers from the home crowd to fill the stadium will also give Russia a boost.

  The article of the Russian Federation


Kim hyungmin reporter [email protected]

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