[방송] Singer Hidden 5 & # 39; Eunjin, Foresutella Ganghyeong defeated Happy Hour champion


Yi Jin-jin's singer's help won 'Hidden Singer 5'.

In JTBC's "Hidden Singer 5" on the 22nd, the five-singer concert of singer Eunjin and mokchang was unfolded.

In the first round, he played the song 'Endless & # 39; in the first round. Min Kyung-hoon predicted that the main character of the third party was the innocent person, and Kim Kyung-ho speculated that the main character of the sixth piece was the innocent person. Among the results, 1 was 10 votes, 2 of 22, the third of 21, the fourth of 9, the fifth of 13, the sixth of 25 and the sixth eliminated. Above all, 'TaeKwon EunJin & # 39; 6th place amazed the artists with the appearance that looks exactly like the original. The real Uzinjin appeared in the 1st chamber.

In the second round, a song titled "The child with slow steps" was played by four people from Eunjin and Mochang. Min Kyung-hoon speculated that No. 3 was the original and Kim Jung-min was No. 5. On that day, the real Uzinjin came from the 5th floor. In the second round, the hero of the 4th lap dropped to 34. Ji Jin-jin advanced to the next lap with a second place.

In the third round, he played with Flower's expression of affection. In the middle of the hot air with exciting songs, the original Eugene appeared in the 3rd room.

On this day, Kang Hyung – ho de Foresutella appeared as a talented person. He said, "He is the person who gave CPR to my music.It was good enough to sing a boy song when I was young.After singing a singer, her voice was heard. is lowered and her music was rejected.The first time I heard 'Endless' when I was in 2nd, I thought I would sing again for The first time, I was able to follow Yoo Jin-jin's method and raise the group one by one. "In the third round of the day, the # 2 thrower was eliminated.

In the last round, the flower appeared as a tear. Eugenejin, Kang Hyung-ho and Lee Young-yong have caught their ears. True Eugene appeared in the 2nd room. Third place was Lee Young-young, and second place was Kang Hyung-ho. The final winner was won by singer Eunjin.

Yoo Ji-jin said, "This seems to have been good as well as the recording.I was very happy and happy to be able to enjoy the scene with people who are able to do it. "

Kim Jin-a reporter [email protected]/ photo =" Hidden Singer 5 " capture

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