[사설] The second most widespread solar scandal – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.11.28 03:19

Choi Kyu-sung, president of the Korea Rural Community Corporation, resigned on July 27. He was the representative of the company related to solar energy until four months before his appointment to the presidency of the village of farmers and fishermen in February 2007. The son of Choi, his secretary and his badistant at the time of his entry to Congress are the current president and general manager. Rural communities are not tied to solar energy. However, as soon as Choi took over the construction of the farming and fishing village, Mr. Choi announced that he would invest 7,500 billion won and install solar energy on 3,400 tanks nationwide. from here 2022. The society has neglected the environment and landscapes as it operates at less than 15% of its solar energy. Of course, the local government has no choice but to object. Choi has attempted to neutralize legal procedures such as environmental impact badessment and authorization to form local governments, as the performance of solar and hydro power plants is poor. In order to reduce the period of installation of solar photovoltaic energy that will take a year, he said: "I will give a successful paycheck if I get the interpretation from the Ministry of Land, Transport and Tourism "that I do not need a development permit. "The public company has tried to crush the legal regulations with money and lobby.

Choi also removed the Guidelines for Construction of Rural Communities, which allowed the use of water-based photovoltaic energy within a limit of 10% of the tank area. Regardless of his resignation, the context of this absurd work must be identified.

Meanwhile, suspicions of the sun burst from the tail. Politicians close to the ruling party have eliminated solar subsidies and chaired meetings to facilitate the work of Cheong Wa Dae residents' co-operatives and environmental groups in the solar society. The Education Bureau, which was dominated by the left superintendent, gives W 4 million to ordinary businesses, but gives a total of 40 million won to the cooperative, giving up to 80% of the installation fee installations of 1.45% per year. For this reason, some cooperatives say that they will be elected for six to seven years.

The government pbaded an amendment to the bill authorizing the restoration of the site in the sunny mountain area approved by the Cabinet on the 27th. It is the price to pay for losing the livestock and repairing it. Until now, when the life of the solar panel was over, it was possible to change the use of the mountain area as a hybrid site. As a result, 33 square kilometers of forest, more than 11 times the area of ​​Yeoido, disappeared last year. This year, prices of solar photovoltaic sites have more than doubled and sales prices have risen dozens of times. The government has encouraged land speculation on sunlight. The solar scandal will burst one day.

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