[사회] 150 Treasures of Treasure … Shinil Group Absurd Press Conference


■ Bae, Sanghoon / Professor, Professor at the Seoul Digital University, Kang Shin-up / Attorney


I was noisy for a while. The controversy over the Russian ship Donskoi, known as a treasure ship carrying 150 trillion won gold, continues. The related company is Shinil Group.

[최용석 / 신일그룹 대표 : 돈스코이호에 과연 금화 또는 금괴가 있는지, 그 양은 어느 정도인지 현재로선 저희도 파악할 수 없는 상황입니다.] [신일 측 관계자 : 보물이 있으면 보물선이 되는 거고 없으면 아니잖아요. 그건 인양해봐야 아는 거잖아요. 지금은 그 누구도 모르지 않습니까.]


The announcement that the treasure will be close to 150 trillion won, the announcement as it is, and the salvation after that, I left. Let's settle it again.

Thus, on July 17, the Shinil group gets rid of the Danskoi treasure. So, this is not exactly what we have announced, but the fact that we were talking about the concept of a treasure ship first, and that is the story of Donscoi and the treasure boat, so 150 stories can be recognized. But the process, before that, I buy a few percent of the shares of Cheil Steel. In other words, in the Shinil group. So you do not get involved?

Because he's becoming a major shareholder in Jeil Steel, it's a situation where Jeil Steel's price is high, and there are a lot of problems, so the Financial Supervisory Service is there. It interests a lot. It's about the story. So, on July 20, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries must obtain permission before it can be recovered because it becomes a state-owned property. However, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries refused to request the discovery of Duskko because it is part of the marginal part of the deposit, which is not part of the plan. Then, July 25, it is a controversy over fraud, so we will start the investigation, and now we are in charge of the virtual currency part, which is easy to say in the post of Kangseo police. And I will be in a situation where yesterday I banished the departure of related people between today.


We have shown it graphically before, but we changed the name of our company. We have quietly changed our business purpose. Is this a common thing?

This company was registered on June 1st. This year It will not be a few months. Then there is about a month and a half and 50 days on July 26th. Then, in Shinil Group, we changed the name of our company to Shinil Ocean Technology, and then changed the name of our company to exploration for treasure ship and exploration and exploitation of sunken ships.

Did you put it into business for the first time to buy a treasure? So people are looking at the business purpose, invest or repair the product. But you recognize that this is not a treasure ship. And now you make holes to escape, pre-floor. When we spoke on July 17th, we talked as we discovered it. I talked about 150 trillion. As you can see right now, we do not know, maybe not.

Another changed the representative. The representative was Ryu Sang-mi. This person is the original homemaker. But this guy is usually one of the pants we usually talk about. There is a person called Ryomo who is said that way and who is actually his brother. This guy is in Singapore. Whatever it is, Ryu Sang Mi changed his name to Choi YongSeok again and I did it and it is very unusual as you mentioned. If we talk about it naked, we can be a scam, not a scam.


Some people have commented that they are ready to take legal action in the future.

The first part is the part where the reason is provided, but as a whole, when you first look at the flow of money, there is a company that sells it and sells it, after you have encouraged to buy a virtual part. It's a Singapore coin company or something else, and it's kind of a group of pants, not really a fake company, it's Shinil Group, then Shinil Marine Technology. I did it in this form. So the Shinil group is actually in a state where we are not concerned. This is a typical scam.

It's a good link between two very attractive things, a treasure and a virtual currency. I'm announcing that there are 150 trillion. So, if there is a person who invests, I will tell the investor that I will give 15% of 10%. Proportionally. So, if 100 billion are collected, I will raise the treasure with 100 billion. Then, if you give $ 15 trillion, you invest $ 100 billion, how many times do you multiply $ 15 trillion? 150 times.

Then invest in something called virtual money, how you get paid. It is a piece of gold Shinil. I will give the profits to the person who made the investment here later by recovering the treasure ship. I mean, it's a so-called one-of-a-kind gold coin. In this way, there are two groups of Shinil: there are Shinil groups in Singapore. Here, the Shinil gold coin is issued. In Singapore Shinil Group. And there are Shinil groups in Korea and they have nothing to do. But that does not really matter.


Investors are not supposed to be the same. I think it's the same company.

[인터뷰] Good. And the fact is the same place. It is said that we made a hole to escape with the separation, and then we did in Singapore that Singapore's Singapore Shinil Gold piece was made so that it becomes difficult to investigate. and it becomes difficult to grasp the whole thing. It is said that he has already raised 50 to 60 billion dollars now.


Do you mean that the money you get for an investment in virtual money is 500 600 billion?

Yes. So, the story of the treasure ship is cut off, and after receiving the virtual currency like this, it does not make sense, so if the money is hard to recover, the # Investment fails.

Basically, the party who drove it. Virtual currency. This is too difficult to follow, because Singapore is virtual money, so you do not know the size. So, what you said, it is 50 billion, 60 billion … In fact, if you say that, the scale should be revealed, it is a very dangerous fraud method that you can invest in virtual money.


Whatever it is, the Shinil group is in a state where the president and others do not have the right to leave the country. We have reported that Shinil Group's business purpose has been changed by itself, but what Shinil Group has to say about this, is that the purpose of our business is now d & # 39; exploit the treasure and replace it with recovery exploration. This is because it is more appropriate for their business purpose, so I changed it like this How should I accept this clarification?

In the end, I can not accept clarification. From the beginning, you should not say 150 trillion as if you have found a treasure ship. I told you that on July 17th. And I've already talked about it since, because I'm accused of buying stakes in the Cheil Steel company and manipulating them out there. So from the very beginning, we have found such a boat that we are supposed to be treasure ships in the sea to get there.

As I have already said, I have done things well organized, and now that the investigation is getting stronger and the press is getting stronger in the press, I must say that I am going retrieve it later. . If the press can not be reported and the investigation is not in progress, is it possible that the money has been collected continuously? So I would have kept talking about 150 trillion.


Police investigations continue, but investors are considering a clbad action lawsuit. Can I recover my money in a dispute?

The trial is possible. But does not the problem have money? I mean, if you have money like a crapper, you have money in a big company. This can be considered a civil law, criminal law is also a fraud in particular laws, the company is not money. I do not know where the money goes.


Is this mostly a fraud?

I have seen many people in multi-step fraud cases. Apart from this, the most typical of fraud is multilevel fraud. This kind of fraud. Wherever you invest, there is a currency of exchange. There is a lot of money like this, and there is a lot of that stuff, but here I want to tell you that there are more people than you think. There are so many. I do not even know if it's 50 to 60 billion or 5 billion now.


But this sidewalk has come out recently, how many victims were there in the meantime? Our report is starting to come out because it's a problem, actually. They worked in advance and at one point they found it and found it. So …

We work first by word of mouth. At the moment these people are going through word of mouth and across the network, it's about 30 or 40 percent progress. Then 60 or 70% of the time when you appear in the media. Then, when he's about 80, when he's about to become a problem, he's getting ready to fall. This is a typical technique.


Right. Either way, it's a case of fraud. Police investigations have entered, and the FSS has taken a close look at the issue of manipulation of stock prices. Until now, I was with Professor Bae Sang-hoon from the Seoul Digital University, and lawyer Kang Shin-up. Thanks to you two.

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