[사회]& # 39; Chief Justice, Terror, Terrorism & # 39;



A 70-year-old man who threw a gun at a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and a 50-year-old woman who was raped by the court was arrested at his side.

These are all complaints about the outcome of the trial, which testifies to the fact that the confidence of our judicial system has greatly diminished.

Jae-min Choi reports.


I am a 74-year-old South Korean who threw a bottle on a car that was on the 27th.

I appealed to the Supreme Court Justice while I was going to interrogate the suspects before the arrest.

[남 모 씨 / 화염병 투척 피의자 : 민법 제152조에 의하여 이 사건은 당연히 무효입니다.]

But the thunderclap resulted in redemption.

The court issued an arrest warrant against him, saying he feared escaping the details of the crime and the seriousness of the crime.

Five hours after the launch of the fireball, a woman in her fifties has been taken to court by riots.

When his son's appeal was dismissed, he broke the door to the judge and broke the court door with a ridiculous curse.

The result was also redemption.

All are caused by mistrust of the judiciary, and this is the only case showing the status of the judiciary in recent years.

[김광삼 / 변호사 : 재판 거래랄지 사법행정권 남용 사건들이 계속 언론을 통해서 보도되면서 사법부에 대한 신뢰, 작게는 자신을 재판했던 재판부에 대한 신뢰가 완전히 깨졌다고 볼 수 있는 거죠.]

Terrorizing a judge's car and violating a courtroom can not be justified for any reason.

However, it is time for the judiciary to look back reasonably to see why it does not receive the trust of the people.

YTN is Choi Jae-min.

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