[사회] Tenacity of teenagers in the assaults of Gwanak Mountain & # 39;



The seven teenagers accused of mbad murder of a high school girl who was dragged into the mountains were arrested.

However, some of the authors were judged to be below penal norms,



Last month, a high school student, A Yang, was dragged to Mount Kwanak by 10 high school and high school students. subjected to mbad aggression and coercion to prostitution.

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Of the teens who participated in the badault, they filed an arrest warrant against seven, and the court all pronounced them.

Given the seriousness of the crimes committed,

However, the college girl known to have led the badault,

A young boy is a teenager aged 10 to 14 years and he is protected by law on minors even though he's committed a crime.

The government is also eager to discuss the direction to be taken to revise the standards of law enforcement on minors.

[김상곤 / 사회부총리 : 이번에 발생한 청소년 폭력사건도 청소년 범죄라고 볼 수 없을 정도로 심각하여, 우리 사회 모두가 크게 염려하고 있는 상황입니다.]

Experts say that regardless of their age,

[이윤호 / 동국대 범죄심리학 교수 : 나이 하나의 조건으로 처벌 여부를 결정해선 안 된다는 거죠. 나이가 적더라도 국가의 개입이 꼭 필요하고 처벌할 필요가 반드시 있다면 처벌 할 수 있어야 되고….]

On the other hand, there is a voice that says that the expansion of standards punishment of young people does not correspond to the international trend.

[김광민 / 부천시청소년법률지원센터 변호사 : 실제로 강력범죄를 저지르는 비율이 전체의 0.1%도 안되고, 수치로도 매우 적습니다. 촉법소년 연령을 낮추겠다는 건 대놓고 국제인권규범에서 내리고 있는 지침을 어기겠다 라는 얘기기 때문에….]

I can not help but notice that there is no clear result when I came to discuss the revision of the law on minors with the case of murder of elementary school of Incheon.

YTN Kim Tae-min [[email protected]] is

It seems that the controversy surrounding the "law of minors" will continue for some time in the news of the cruel crimes of years. [ad_2]
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