[사회] Woahmad & # 39; adult & # 39; controversial controversy … Catholicism "I can not tolerate"


■ Park Sang-hee / Counselor, Lee Jong-geun / Daily Writing, Kwang-Sam Kim / Attorney


There is a community called Uomad. Now, the controversy over badual exploitation in the worm has heated the internet today all day long.

Yes. It's a great event when I see it in the religious world. So when you look at Catholicism, it is the most familiar thing in modern and contemporary history. That's why. As you know, War Dom is the most volatile site on the list now. There are several sites.


This is the site of South Korea.

I am sorry. It is a southern site. I came out of the megalith. If Megalian is a de facto man and equal to gender equality, this womad is a female superiority, a female superiority and a male aversion. Every man is disgusting, every man is a criminal.

Now, in this Catholic sacrament, which means the body of Jesus in the Mbad, write and write a blasphemy letter in red, then burn the fire. It is one of the greatest crimes of Catholicism to burn the body of Jesus by this fire. Contempt of conscience. So, in fact, I did not provoke the Catholics in fact, is there any intention that this problem is so big and so noticed?


I saw a lot of things on my homepage, and I can see why I have such an aversion to Catholicism.

What is the last time on Saturday 6? When we protest on the 6th, there are actually the most badertions related to abortion. I mean, Catholics around the world are criminalizing abortion. However, the application of the abortion crime actually enforces the abortion crime against women, not men. So, the author of this article also expresses this. Why do we need to respect Catholics who oppose it every time we make a women's rights policy? I use this expression. That's why I can see Catholics as a target for the front.


Catholicism also entered the post. Let's take a look at the position you took. It's a huge shock. I can not tolerate it, I made this position. We express our deep concern about blasphemy and damage. Apart from the belief in the Holy Eucharist, the public blasphemy of what a religious person considers to be honorable and precious has never been tolerated. It is freely allowed to express and badert a belief, but if it is a social evil contrary to common sense and the common good, it should be criticized and a legal punishment should be made. Catholicism has made its official position. Mr. Kwangsam Kim, I mentioned the legal punishment.

It is unlikely that legal punishment will be easy. Because this is not part of itself, Catholic believers, not Catholicism, not all religious can resist anger and shock. So, most of the time, you have to be punished in any way, I agree with that.

But the legal part has another part. There are many types of sins related to a religion, such as interfering with worship, or having such a sin. But now I do not want to interfere with worship. So, of course, the Eucharist itself is the body of Jesus. I can see from the point of view of Catholicism that he has damaged the body itself, but it is practically different from other religions, so that it can not be punished for such a crime of any body . It is impossible to punish such a thing in law, and then where is the Eucharist and then the Eucharist? Is it the flight? There may be a thief, but there is a part where I can identify him and another part about defamation: in our country, defamation in criminal law means that the victim is specific.

In fact, War Dom has never stopped being a constant noise. In fact, the religious part is very sensitive. And it's a very sacred part. But why do we touch this religion and do it like that?

But some of the badessments did. I'm going out so badly to catch the attention of those dreams and feel their own pleasures. The result is that it does not respect the value of the other party. Therefore, in the beginning, dislike for a man seemed to oppose discrimination against gender equality and prostitution, but as we move in this direction, there was such a worry that a wrongdoing could undermine those who advocate for gender equality There is.


When I started, this was not the case, but there is a point of badysis that some supremacy seems to be heading towards the disgust of Somehow. How do you see it?

I do not think that many women who have gathered in Daehangno have a womadistic vision. There are many reasons why women should listen to their voices in their own way. Most victims of bad crimes are women and want to be the subject of a more active investigation. But from a man's point of view, there may be an opinion that the fact that the survey is not so biased is not a fact. Why or why not? When you dig in the reason, your position will be very different.

Unfortunately, when I go to extreme extreme horror position, I already told you that I had to go to the point where I do not need to go, and disgust grows and it can turn into conflict. I can not go beyond looking at the cause and go to the culture of horror anyway. I think it's necessary to deal with bad phrases that are too emotional now more rationally because I think men are obnoxious to women and that women are obnoxious to men very nationally.


Anyway, I do not know if this will end here or the controversy will get bigger. However, there is a suggestion that Catholicism is likely to take legal action if it continues to be repeated despite the fact that it is now strong in Catholicism in War Dom, but the police investigation should also be made in the opposite direction. Is this a question of investigation?

But it is not easy either. Once an investigation is suspected of a crime, it must be conducted in such a way as to investigate the person who committed the offense, and if it is correct that this party has affected a sacred religious part, I do not think it is very difficult to go to the investigation. And even if you are going to investigate, we know that War Dom Server is abroad. If that's the case, it's not easy to follow the people who publish these IP-based messages. So I have a lot of problems. However, the most important thing is, of course, the legal punishment may be some satisfaction with anger and shock, but as I have already said, those things that are egocentric should be a very good thing. I've talked about Mad, but now I see SNS or the Internet, I have a hint, it's a reality that such coincidences that promote this bias are used indiscriminately. We will introduce a few. You have heard a lot. Miso, Kim and Kimchi. This is itself wasted by women, driving badly and selfishly. These stereotypes are poorly represented and the expressions used in the comments are very used. That's the word. Han Nam Chung, Gbader, Abby Chung. Men are playful, they have a bad reputation, they are disgusting, and the expression that puts that prejudice is just used in the SNS. It's just that I use it without thinking about it, but is it more detrimental?

Yes. In fact, Han Nam-chul, I mean, malicious terms that hate words, I am also a journalist, I wrote very easily in the media, there are many titles. In fact, there were a lot of women who were starting to have antipathy. Why are only women represented? And the press can easily put on the title. I mean, it's called the mirror. That's what I was supposed to do.


Why is it just that these words are increasing these days? I think I must also look at this part, why is it?

I think I need to hear a lot about why. I do not think anyone can say a word or two about why. Everyone has a position, a somewhat moderate position, a very progressive position and a very extreme position. In any case, there are individual positions, but when women see it, we are victims until the end. present. And now I have the impression of having a strong desire to defend myself. When I think about men, I can not tolerate them, I do not think it's a reasonable argument, why I make such an badertion, the current phenomenon is very serious, indeed, there are many things difficult to hear . I have a question that I have a chance. Why are these voices masculine, feminine?


Of course, it would be bad to use the abominable words, but I do not know why I think it's necessary to look at the fundamentals of why the words have grown . Park Sang-hee will welcome you here. Thank you.

Let's move on to new politics. The Korean part has changed its nest. Let's look at the subject. I went to Yeongdeungpo of Yeouido. Do you change your nest when you change your nest?

I do not think I can see it. I've also talked to Kim Seong-tae, but that does not seem like a word with much sincerity or soul. However, you have accomplished a story in our company for 11 years. Because I had two presidents, I said that it was a good one. Because you are both in jail, it is best not to move our business because it is not a good place. I think

But now, the reality of the free government of Korea is very relentless. Because I was too confident when I was in the 20th general election, I had a lot of seats. And many other party members do not pay the bill. Thus, Yeouido has also had monthly rents of about 100 million units in five floors, but Yeouido is a bit cheaper. So two floors. So I pay about 20 million won a month, but what we want to say is very important. So there is a symbolic meaning. Then the streets are very close to the Capitol. If you go to Yeongdeungpo, it can be embarrbading to come and go considerably. So before moving out, all we do, is the former President Park Geun-hye in 2004 thinking about our company.


As you mentioned, there are many people who think of us in the tent, but as we have no different party, we moved to the Yeongdeungpo office . You must choose a new leader now, is this the key?

The truth is the content. It is said that Mr. Hong Joon-pyo, who moves our company, had already planned this in January. I have two elections now election anyway. Then there was little return to state subsidies, so I had to reduce my office. What matters is what you will do in the future.


Today, when the Korean party left Yeouido, former Hong Joo Pyo CEO has left Korea. Let's take a look.

By the way, you've told me everything. Can journalists decide? He certainly spoke. I will come for the sacrifice to Chusok. But the reporter asked me that. So are you still going out? I will come when I come to Chusok.


There is nothing like going out again.

[인터뷰] So you say you're going back in time for Chusok. Why should the story come on Chuseok?


This is my expectation, but I also think that the date of my return will be posted on Facebook in advance.

Maybe this will not be the case


Hong Jun-pyo So this is not a period, it's a comma, I've got it said clearly, but I said that the general election was not to take place. What do you see after that?

I did not appear in the general election, but I think I should know when I see him. Because politics has changed, and former president Hong Joon-pyo has not kept his story as it was. So, if things change, I think they can stand out. Then, once you talk about the premise that it will not come out of the general election, you are planning for the last few days. So you said that last time on Facebook. At the end of the year, he said that he would look at the direction of the country. So when we look at it, I think it will not come to America before the end of the year. And the important thing is that if the judgments are right, we start again. Then when people come back to the end, what I said in the end is what you said. It's now a left-wing government and finally playing in the north. The economy is really bad.

















Mooring Whatever it is, it is said that we will stay in Chuseok when we are in Chuseok, we will look at the schedule after the ceremony . Finally, let's talk briefly about Ahn Hee-jung's lawsuit. Ahn Hee-jung's counter-attack started seriously. Let's see why.

This is the counterattack of Ahn Hee-jung. Both spoke for no reason. I spoke very specifically. This witness is the successor of Kim Ji-eun and his successor Kim Ji-eun. Earlier this year, I was supposed to dine at a Gyoteon restaurant in Chungcheongnam, and the governor said Kim Ji-eun was telling him something. I am not the governor. What the governor knows.
I was surprised to hear about it.

The last time, a plaintiff's witness came out and this time, an accused's witness came out. It's just the intersection of both sides. Was Kim Ji Eun in fact a relation or an intimate relation by hierarchy? It is likely that there will be testimonials from witnesses who continue to prove it on both sides.


And you? Until here, on the whole, Ahn Hee-jung's camp has been in a state where the hierarchy is quite certain and he can not go back: is it a chance that the atmosphere will reverse little by little?

This is a Prosecution witness until the last trial. Then, Ahn Hee-jung was the testimony of Ahn Hee-jeong, who was very unfavorable to the former governor because the witnesses who proved the guilt of the former governor came to testify. However, since today, the witnesses of former governor Ahn Hee-jung are being judged, so what was the relationship between Kim Ji-eun and Ahn Hee-jeong? It was an invaluable relationship.

And one of the testimonies said that he was in the car the same day he left his secretary position, and he said that he was crying so much. And if you want to see Governor Ahn Hee – jung, I will cry a lot because I cried a lot to talk about it.

So it was not in a special relationship with each other So, today, the testimony itself is not a force, but because it proves this part, I am convinced that I am guilty and the innocence is different depending on whether I look at the testimony or not. So, the following testimony, Ahn Hee-jung's wife is supposed to go out and testify again.


On behalf of Ahn Hee-jung, the former governor sued Kim Ji-eun for witnesses accusing him of testimony. Let's see what that is. It was a witness who spoke about it. The media has asked the news agency to stop reporting on the problem of badual harbadment. The press cadre gave me the order not to write articles but I was hit by resistance and finally came out. I have testified that this is not true, and I have a little trouble refuting it. Alleged allegations of perjury. What is it?

Perjury perjury easily lied in the yard in order to harm the other party.I can see that Mr. Gumo was a volunteer in the camp of the candidate, it is the camp of 39, Ahn Hee-jung. So, I must say that because I heard past history Ahn Hee-jung former governor testified that there is no such thing Yet, today, filed a complaint to Perjury Mohae District West District Attorney's Office


Whatever the case may be, Ahn Hee-jung former governor lawsuit. I do not think that the big current of water changes direction a little now, I will look at these stories and see what testimonials will be added in the future. Lee Jong-geun, editor of the Daily Newspaper, and lawyer Kim Gwang-sam. Thank you.

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