[사회]"MB Government Political Duet" former NIS senior officials



Former senior officials of the National Intelligence Service, who were put on trial for participation in political figures and opposition artists, were all sentenced to prison in the first trial.

The judge ruled that the government had criticized the government at the time as a leftist and leftist.

Kang Hee-Kyung reports.


Presenter Kim Mi – Hwa has been in charge of MBC 's radio program for 8 years since 2003.

We kept our first place in the public, but we had to go down at the end of 2011.

Last year, Park Won-soon, the mayor of Seoul, was elected in by-elections in 2011 and a "Park Won-soo" was released.

[박원순 / 서울시장 (지난해 9월) : 박원순 제압 문건과 실행은 저와 제 가족뿐 아니라, 청년 실업자 제압이었고 비정규직 노동자 제압이었고, 서울시 공무원을 넘어 서울시민을 향한 제압이었습니다.]

There was the NIS at the back of the administration of Lee Myung Bak.

Prosecutors have brought former NIS officials to trial for allegedly making such a "political peabad" and the trial court found most of the allegations guilty.

The Seoul District Central Court sentenced former National Intelligence Service Director, Park Won-dong, charged with violating NIS law, three years in prison and two years imprisonment for Former head of national strategy, Shin Seung-kyun.

The judge ruled that they had ordered the person who objected to the government's policy to be left-wing, for no reason, and had asked the NIS staff to draft a report unrelated to work.

And celebrities who have been identified as outlawed by the abuse of official authority have suffered greatly.

[김미화 / 방송인 : 응분의 책임을 묻는 데 이렇게 많은 시간과 사회적 비용이 드는 게 안타까울 뿐이고요. 이런 일이 다시는 되풀이되지 않는 게 제가 받을 수 있는 유일한 보상이라고 생각합니다.]

Above all, if the NIS, a presidential intelligence agency, falls into a tool for maintaining and regenerating the regime, this can seriously undermine democracy.

YTN Kang Hee Kyung[[email protected]].

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