[사회]"When Park Yong-jin 3 passed the law, he immediately ran into the government's fight"



The Korea Kindergarten Association, more than 3,000 private children's garden organizations, withdrew the closure card and announced a large-scale war against the government.

Han Yoo said the private children's garden would be closed immediately and would participate in the government's struggle when the "Yong-jin Park Law 3" will be debated in the National Assembly.

Lee Jae-yoon reports.


Han Yoo's gun showed total resistance against the "Park Yong-jin 3 Act" at the rally.

Lee, deuk-sun, said: "If Park Yong-jin 3 pbaded the law, private kindergarten must be closed.

"The third law, Park Yong-jin, does not admit any personal property on the basis of liberal democracy, said Mr. Lee.It does not solve the essence of the children's garden, but reinforces punishment and allows underage educators to become criminals ".

[이덕선 / 한유총 비대위원장 : 시대가 바뀌었고 이제 유아교육은 국가가 책임지겠다고, 그러니 나가 달라고 우리에게 얘기하면 우리는 폐원하고 조용히 물러갈 것입니다.]

Han Yoo also announced a statement that Park Yong-jin's Law of Three Laws will be pbaded and that he will participate in the government's fight.

The parents who attended the rally emphasized urgent solutions to avoid harming children.

[양성훈 / 서울시 마포구 (유치원 학부모) : 학부모님도 많이 불안해하시고 원장선생님이나 많은 선생님도 지금 상황이 너무 힘이 드는 상황이고요, 가장 큰 피해를 보는 것은 역시 우리 아이들이라고 생각합니다.]

Han Yoo's total rebellion Just after the meeting, a meeting of critics of the Han Yoo civic group took place at the same time.

Political mothers suspected of corruption in private children's gardens called for the rapid adoption of Park Yong-jin law 3, claiming that "the owner of early childhood education Is not the owner of kindergarten, but the children ".

YTN Lee Jae Yoon[[email protected]].

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