[송호근 칼럼] There was no domain in the progressive intelligence statement


  A columnist and a professor at the Seoul National University

A columnist at the Seoul National University and a columnist at the Seoul National University

A year after the change of regime, 323 intellectuals with progressive voices made an ambitious voice ("Declaration"). "I am afraid to abandon social and economic reform! It's hard to tolerate heat, but the book of progress is a glowing glow. It's a field sensation and it's a caution.

Only two years ago, when 18 trillion won were invested in the shipbuilding industry, progressive intellectuals spoke out. Even when 40,000 employees of partner companies were fired, they were also suspended. Even if a highly skilled worker is on a regular strike, the KCTU does not prohibit anyone from taking strong collective action. I really want to ask the students who participated in the progressive "declaration". Have you ever visited a large company, have you ever visited a small business where employees try to avoid bankruptcy? I've heard complaints from small business owners who are struck by the harshness of their headquarters and by the increase in the minimum wage.

The Three-Wheel Economy You Attribute – Revenue-Driven Growth, Innovation Growth, Fair Economy But that it would be nice if it came to fruition through these alternative bites listed in & # 39; ; Name & # 39 ;. Reform of the chaebol, regularization of irregular workers, strengthening of the property tax, symptoms of well-being, bureaucratic reform! That's true, but it's a candidate's answer given by well-known scholars who ignore the reality that the side effect suffers the purpose of politics.

Chaebol Reform? Is it possible to invest in the future if all kinds of regulations are taken into account? Samsung Pyeongtaek's factory has exceeded the hundreds of regulations and other international companies have applied to the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Industry. Energy and the National Assembly to build new factories and gather the views of NGOs and residents. If industry wants to become a growth engine, regulated bees will remain loyal: who will pay for food production? There were 800 regulatory bills initiated by the 20th National Assembly, and those who did not join the ranks were eliminated.

One year under the moon regime, 132,000 people in the public sector received full-time employee status. 76% of the target. By the way, the air duct no longer draws regular workers. Professors from the doctoral and doctoral schools must work irregularly and for a fixed period. The regular Tio was kicked. Strengthen the property tax? The theory is correct, but it can not stop rising rents. Is the symptom of well-being a universal key? First, the tax is imposed on half of the tax-exempt workers. You can collect the tax and return it. To express the symptoms of well-being, you must complete a "prerequisite". Middle clbad employees above the "increase wages!" The basic equations of the European welfare state, called "welfare = job creation", work by wage concession, although underlined. Employment is increased and well-being is administered as much as the franchise minute. In Korea, "well-being = the right to a party". How do you think it will increase employment if shareholders pay for the increase in wages and social costs? Look at the wage freezes of public corporations and large corporations.

Progressive scholars will do it. Korea's tax rate among the countries of the OECD is low. I have to pay more. If you give up the wages, put the welfare and workers are all in production and you do not have quasi-taxes, why would you resist the symptoms? Try business owners and daily workers. The & # 39; name & # 39; growls like that. "The real effect has been cut in half by raising the minimum wage." Do countries in OECD countries provide meals, housing, school fees, hospitalization and other expenses? Holiday bonuses There is no country where wage components are as complicated as Korea If the government pays the "weekly allowance", which is most avoided by smallholders "Grbadhopper alba" disappears

As they say, pay the wage subsidy "directly" to workers will solve many problems.The employer can be hired as a salary in the market, but if the office of the 39, employment pays less than the minimum wage to an individual worker, it can prevent immediate employment conflicts.Business owners should have time to adjust to the increase in the minimum wage.

Behind the stage where intellectuals are advancing essistes recite a "fair economy" and "income-led growth", the B and B proxy war is fierce. The locust youth, the middle age Tuche, and the small towns are constantly talking. I thought, "Why do you call me, why do you do this alone?"

Government bombs "raising the minimum wage" and "52 hours a week" hit exactly the ability to pay For business, after that, the name is also colored and various measures.The payroll deduction of the retired upper middle clbad employee! And the answer is that the subsidy is paid individually to low-income people. the collective intelligence of a social-democratic welfare state, and our tripartite council has never made any concessions on wages.The member of the Social Welfare Commission who is in favor of the 39, raise the minimum wage is surely a stranger.Do you know these democratic equations? I want to scream before it gets really crazy.Please go on the stage!

Hwang Keun Song, columnist, teacher at the Seoul Natio University (19659014) function (f, b, e, v, n,
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