[스브스夜] "The eulogy of society" The fate of two heartbreaking … Lee Jong-seok X played a show on Shinseon Sun in Chosun



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[SBS 연예뉴스 | 조연희 에디터] Lee Jong-seok was tortured for raising a new actor during the Joseon Dynasty.

The 27th, Kim Woo-jin (Lee Jong-seok) and Yun Sindok (Shin Hye-seon) and Pyeonmyu (Cho Su-jin movie, director of Park Soo-jin) of SBS TV Lost Cinema.

Yoon Jin-duk, who came to Kim's new room, started complaining to Kim during the practice. I did not praise my skills. In this regard, Yoon Seok-duk caught Kim Jun-Gyun at the station's collection and said, "I have completely ignored myself since my first meeting." "It's a new drama in a disinherited country, and what's the benefit of presenting it to the Korean people?"

Kim said, "Simde is right, I just do not want to give up my country in my own way," he said. Kim Woo-jin said: "It was so beautiful that I did not need to add words."

Yoon Jin-duk gradually began to feel favored by Kim Woo-jin, and he seemed unable to sleep by his thoughts. However, from the next day, Kim did not appear in practice. I could not see Woojin all day, so Yoon was worried about him. Soon, Yun Chin-duk went to Kim's house with a porridge.

Yoon Jin-duk laid out Kim Woo-jin's room and accidentally read the poem written by Kim Woo-jin. At that time, Kim Woo-jin, who retired from his sleep, asked Yun Seon-duk, "What are you doing now?" Kim Woo-jin told Yoon, "Do not stop," he said coldly. Yoon Jin-duk escaped from her room and Kim Woo-jin smiled a little while looking at Yun's back.

Then Kim Woo-jin told Yun Seong-duk: "It was my mother's birthday." "I do not have to be serious," Kim said. This led to a closer relationship between the two.

At that time, Japanese policemen came and went out of the rehearsal room, warning that they were leaving. The meeting therefore started on the question of whether to stop the performance. Yoon says, "Why are you so scared?" It is said that everyone can perform in Korean on our country. "

After practicing for two months, they went to Korea. After that, the Dongwoo festival was presented in different cities of Korea and continued from Kyungsung until the last performance. After Kyungsung's concert, Kyoung-sung (Min Moon-sung) told Kim Woo-jin, "It would be nice to continue writing Woojin after graduation."

Hong Nanpa (Lee Ji Hoon) told Yun Seon-duk, "Do you like Woojin?" Do you like me? "He asked. the heart is growing, Yun Seon – Deok will only suffer. "At that time, Kim was arrested by Japanese police following the Dongwoo protests and was tortured.

Yoon Jin-duk worried for Kim Woo-jin and was waiting for him. Then, looking at the bloody Kim Ji-jin who came out of the prison with sadness, he hinted at the fate of the two hearts.

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