[승무원②] "Ray 80 times the level of fire" … The airline is "not relevant"


This is the result of a survey of the average amount of radiation emitted as a function of occupancy. As you can see, the crew is one of the most exposed professions. He is almost four times higher than a nuclear plant employee. Although there are individual differences, it is not possible to say that the crew is composed exclusively of cancer, but in foreign countries, the crew of the airline is considered to be the group with the cancer rate The highest.

I continue to be a journalist.


International crews spend an average of 3 to 4 mSv in space. It is claimed that aerial radiation is not as high as 2.5 ~ 2.9 mSv in everyday life.

But experts say the basic principles of radiation are ignored.

Crews are exposed to radiation in their daily lives, as are the general public, so radiation doses due to theft are more exposed.

[주영수/한림대 성심병원 직업환경의학과 교수 : 직업적으로 추가적인 노출이 이루어지고 있는 상황이죠. 일반인들의 2배 이상의 노출량을 갖고 계신 거라서 이 문제는 간단히 볼 수는 없는 문제입니다.]

In fact, if you take a flight between Incheon and New York with Korean Air or Asiana Airlines, you will be exposed to four times the radiation level of the chest x-ray.

This has less impact on the average traveler, but international crews flying more than 1,000 hours perform 80 x-rays per year.

[전직 대한항공 승무원 : 피로도를 심하게 느꼈었거든요. 방사선의 영향이 좀 크지 않았을까 (싶어요.)]

In June, Harvard University announced that the cancer rate of the airline's crew was three times higher than that of the general population.

(Video Coverage: Cho Chun Dong, Kim Tae Hoon, Editing Images: Jung Yong Hwa)

▶ [승무원①] "Radiation causes blood cancer" … Medical personnel "possible"
▶ [승무원③] The "controversy" continues … "Cosmic radiation" unmanaged

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